Chapter Two

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 As I wandered unsteadily down the dusty dirt path, I recognized the signs of damage that had been left by the shadows. The once long and healthy grass that grew long by the edge of the path was now yellow and wilted, and stunk of rotted plants. The dirt on the path packed down by generations of footsteps from the village of Metum to see the tall gates was now loose and dug up, the dark soil underneath the sand exposed. My eyes watered and burned. Every step I took towards the village, the air seemed to become colder and more sinister, panic rising up despite my attempts to smother it.

Finally I reached the village of Metum , the small place with wooden shacks lining the road and a tall, weathered wooden sign post reading "Sonitus terroris semper in te amplius". But instead of the usual creaky wagons pulled by small, friendly ponies rolling through the street and the faint cheerful laughter from inside the homes, the wooden doors were clamped tightly shut, the place silent and lonely. I walked slowly through the streets, glancing around in disbelief at the normally buzzing and friendly place.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a door creaking cautiously open, and I whirled around, gripping the cold leather handle of my sword tightly once again. An old man was peering out of his door, dark eyes glinting with distrust and caution. I called out to him in what I tried to make a clear, commanding voice but turned out to be a weak and raspy stutter,

"Hello!I am Emerald, the gate keeper. I have come to m-make an inquiry as to the current state of the -the village."

He shrunk back slightly, despite me being obviously weakened and just as afraid as he was. To seem less threatening, I slipped my sword back into my sheath, and held my hands loosely at my sides. The old man opened the door slightly more, and slowly stuck out his hand. I tensed, thinking at first that he may be armed, but relaxed and stepped slowly forward when I saw he was making a hasty beckoning motion with his wrinkled and shaky hand. He let me into his house, closing the door behind me.

The old man turned to me, his face now intense and urgent.

"It's no use."

His voice was angry, shocking me as his eyes burned into mine.

"Let me ask you something. About when did the village seem to become so isolated?"

He continued to look at me, and replied almost at once.

"A few hours ago, screams and whispers of terrible words filled the air, and dark shadows crept up. Panic swept over the place like a terrible tsunami, and the shadows attached themselves to each villager, They all began to retire into their homes, locking the doors, pulling their children close as if facing some sort of extreme danger, although none was at hand."

"Were they aware of the shadows?"

"No, but they could definitely sense a terrible presence."

I wondered how he had the vision of the shadows, but felt another stab of rising panic and decided not to ask.

"Do you know anything about how to stop them?" I asked. I knew it was foolish of me to believe that an old man would know anything about powerful and evil forces such as these, but I had no idea myself and I was desperate for information,

He looked at me once more, and hesitated before saying in a soft voice, "Yes.."

Closing his eyes and deeply inhaling, he began to speak in a low voice laced with fear and venom, dangerous yet giving important information, like a sweet drink tainted by poison.

"Deep in the darkest of places, the alternate universe too terrible for even the most curious mind to contemplate without sinking into a stupor, there is one. One who has been dwelling there for many years, waiting for their chance to come out. They could be our saviour, but it is risky.. They are possessed by a venom none can harness, but if there is a way to subdue it, they could save us all... "

With that, he looked stonily into my eyes, waiting for my response. I contemplated where this terrible place may be, and then it dawned upon me. 

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