Chapter 7

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Lorraine's POV

I woke up in bed alone, no one was home. It was comforting, but then again it was not comfortable. Ed had gone out to run some errands, mom was at one of her friend's house playing cards, and Judy was at school. This whole having the entire house to myself was not exactly what I wanted.

Since the last exorcism we had performed, I did not want Ed out of my sights. I could feel when he was home, and I always knew if something was wrong, or if he was not safe. Being a Clairvoyant does have its perks; other times it doesn't.

I rolled out of bed and put a some pants, a shirt, and sweater over it. I fixed myself a strong pot of coffee and sat at the table and read the paper. It was somewhat nice that the house was silent, and I could read something without feeling something when everyone is around. Most of the times, I get good feelings, but sometimes the feeling are not good.

I read the entire paper and then went and sat in the den to read the Bible. I didn't really read anything. I stared ahead as visions from Amityville ran through my mind. My fingers tapped against my Bible and my other hand gripped the couch arm.

After all of my visions passed, I got up and put myself to work on cleaning the house. I could not sit and read because something like what just happened, may happen again. I cleaned the entire house, the living room, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, and the office. The only room that did not get cleaned was the room with all of the conduits.

Once the house was clean, I was walking down the hallway to go back to the den. A little girl was standing in the hallway, and I stopped walking and looked at her. She was from one of our previous cases. Ed took one of the toy, and the toy was the little girl's. I watched her for a few moments as she stood and stared at me.

The girl then lifted her hand and pointed at something behind me. I turned around to see the nun from the Amityville house. I took a deep shaky breath and forced myself to stay calm. Once I opened my mouth to say something, the door opened the kitchen and Ed entered. I sighed in relief and headed to greet him.

"Hey, hon," I said forcing a smile and greeting him with a hug. That nun that I saw was something evil, it had to be.

"It smells nice in here, did you clean?" Ed asked as I felt his lips press against my hair. I rested my head against his chest.

"I did, gave me something to do while you and Judy were gone," I said with a smile as I looked up at him. I looked ahead for a few seconds as I thought about what I saw just before Ed arrived at the house. "I think we should get the house blessed, and the conduit room as well. It is close to time anyways."

"Is everything alright?" I could hear the concern and worry in Ed's voice as I looked up at him.

"Everything is fine, hon," I said with a reassuring smile. I did not want to worry him, nor did I want him to know what I saw in that house.

I had a roast beef cooking in the oven while I cleaned. I pulled the roast out of the oven and placed it on the table. Judy, Ed, Georgianna, and I all sat down at the table as a family. That was a first for us, we hadn't sat down at the table as a family for a long time.

After Eating dinner, Just went and took a bath. Mother and I cleaned up the kitchen, afterwards Ed and I spent the evening in the study.

We had prepared a few notes and filed old cases away. We always write notes about previous cases. It just helps us lecture about them.

Ed had gone to bed a few hours before I did. I spent most of the night in the office. I saw several things, Ed and I always paint what we see or feel.

I painted several pictures of a witch looking lady. It was the same witch back when we helped the Perron's with everything. I had fallen asleep in the study in my rocking chair, I had my pallet of paint sitting in my lap.

When I woke up, I was covered up with a blanket and the paint gone. The picture was finished When I woke up. I was surprised that I finished it, I didn't think I had When I fell asleep.

The next few days were hell for me. I got very little sleep, and stayed in the study painting. I painted several pictures from dreams and visions of mine, that was what helped me get through things.

A/N I am so sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! I have been super busy, and I lost muse. I am sorry this is short. I couldn't think of anything else to write about! I hope you all liken it at least! Have a wonderful day!


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