Chapter 12: By The Riverside

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As I closed the door to Lisbeth's shop, I gazed around, seeing the pink sky above me‎. It was a beautiful sight. I'm surprised that it wasn't nighttime. I have been a busy bee after all. But I was also a little worried about Mira. So I went out looking for her. I guess she wanted to be alone, considering how long it took me to find her.

But I did. Although it took forever. She was by a river, sitting down in the dark green grass, hugging her legs, looking lost in her head. I waved at her from the bridge, but she didn't give me any response. This wasn't really like her. Although, could I really blame her?

I made my way from the bridge down to her,sitting beside her.

"Mira?" I asked worriedly.

She doesn't respond again. Her blue eyes just glanced over my way, then back to the water. The stream was slow, but the leaves that floated on the surface made it clear there was a stream.

"I'm.." Mira began, her voice somewhat shaky. I looked at her.

"I-I'm sorry you had to see that..."

"Hey, it's alright. It happens.' I said, trying my best to comfort her.

She let her legs go, letting them rest on the grass, looking down into her lap now.

"So...if I may ask..." I begin, Mira's head turning to face me.

"Who is this Connor guy?" I asked.

She stared at me before taking a deep breath, then letting it out, fixing her long pink hair as the wind picked up a bit.

"...Have you heard of the user who could Duel-wield?' She muttered.

My eyes widened, my leaning to her.

"Wait! THAT'S Connor?!" I asked.

"Y-yea...he was the player with the fastest reaction time. He was a solo-player...well, until we meet anyway." She said, frazzled from my enthusiasm.

"So whoever had the fastest reaction time gets to have that skill?" I asked her.

She nodded, she then scooted closer to me. She leaned her head on my shoulder, resting it there.

"We went on all sorts of missions...he was always taking the lead, wanting to protect me, even if I was capable of a situation. I know he did that because he cared about me...and me the same way." Her voice faded to a whisper.

"Despite that...I-i still lost him, I wasn't strong enough to save him that day...cocky bastard, I-"

I hugged her, silencing her before she'd fully break down.

"'s alright Mira, I'm sure you did everything you could. Plus...I bet he would have wanted you to stay alive. I can tell from the way you talk about him."

She sniffled lightly. Her head rose, looking at me with teary eyes.

"Josh..can you promise me something...?" She asks quietly.

'Of course." I answered.

"Athena...please make sure you don't lose her, like I lost're to kind of a person to feel that kind of pain Josh."

I smiled, glad to hear I'm not the only one worried about keeping my promise.

"I promise to keep my promise!" I said cheerfully.

Mira giggled quietly. She rested her head down again, seemingly at ease.

" always know how to cheer me up."

"Do I? I just try do my best, I wouldn't say I know how." I tell her.

"Well...maybe you just have a gift for it." She teased.

The two of us sat there for a while, watching the river carry sticks, leaves and pieces of grass to the left of us.

After a while, Mira stood up, looking down at me.

"Thank you Josh, for helping me take my mind off things."

"Well of course." I replied with a smile, standing up next to her.

'How did you even find me anyway?" She asked, her head tilting to the left somewhat. I point behind her, her eyes look in the direction my finger tells her. In the distance, a large bell tower was there, the bell to far to hear its chime. Mira looked back at me, shaking her head lightly, a small smile on her face.

"Good lord Josh...what are we going to do with you?" She asked playfully.

"Well maybe I'll just be me. It's been working out for me so far." I answer with the same playful tone.

Now the sky was a dark purple, things were getting hard to see.

"I should head back to my Inn, I'll catch you la-"

"Josh..." Mira intervened.

"Hm? What is it?"

"I heard the Knights of the Blood Oath asked you to join a boss that true?"

I blinked for a moment, nodding to her in response.

She looked at me with a serious, yet worried stare.

"You better make it out of there it? You got lots of people depending on you."

"I understand, besides, you know I'm pretty strong. It's not like I'd just let the boss win!" I tell her.

She nods slowly, I wave at her as I begin to make my way to the teleporter. wasn't just Sir Drake...even Mira has warned me about this boss raid. I wasn't scared mind you. But...worried?

Regardless, there was someone I haven't seen all day waiting for me, so I best get going before she thinks I'm not arriving at all.

Is this boss that bad? I thought to myself as the teleporter took me away to my destination.

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