Chapter 14: One Chance

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10,000 people have been thrown into the game you couldn't log out of. The heads of the world have gathered multiple times to discuss a means to handle the situation. But Kayaba has gone missing, and under the radar. It wasn't until this evening someone had claimed that they saw Kayaba walking into a apartment complex on the 16th of October. It was the 19th. This was the one chance they had to free everyone from the digital world they were forced into. This was the one chance they had to free everyone from Sword Art Online.

20 people sat in a small room within the police station, chatting with one another to kill the time. Their conversation was interrupted however when the door was kicked open. Everyone shut their traps. A large black man stomped into the room. He was bald, and wore sunglasses. He approached the table, setting the cigar he was smoking in the ashtray.

"Alright all know why you are here." He told them.

Everyone in the room nodded their heads.

"We're here to discuss our plan of attack against Kayaba Akihiko. For almost a year now, 10,000 people have been trapped in that helmet they all wear. Almost 2,500 of those people have died. Now that we know Kayba is within town, we must catch him, and force him to tell us how to free those poor bastards."

He took his cigar, inhaling the smoke, then breathing it out, coughing a bit afterward.

"I want something to be very clear. This operation is very risky. If we fuck this up, Kayaba could kill off the remaining players for all we know. We can't afford any mistakes!" He hollard, his men hollering back, showing they were ready for the challenge.

They then had a rundown of the plan of attack in a detailed manner. The large man with the cigar was Chief of the station: He was simply addressed as "Mr.Howard" .

Once everyone had the plan memorized better their ABC's, everyone went to the armory. The all grabbed pistols, rifles, A sledge hammer to break down the door., and bullet resistant vests. Even members of the FBI were there. Howard took a double barrel shotgun, and a concussion grenade.

Once everyone was geared up and ready to go, they got in the SWAT van, and made their way to the apartment complex. They had called the landlord and asked that all members of the apartments to stand outside of the doors, so they wouldn't have to break down everyone's door. She told them however one resident did not exit his apartment.They even changed the lock on the door,so she couldn't go in herself. This was the apartment that Kayaba must be in.


"NOW!!" Howard yelled. The man on the opposite end of the door swung the sledge hammer into the door knob, bending it enough to disable the locks. The door creaked open as Howard and the rest marched in, their guns pointed ahead of them.

The Living Room: All Clear.

Kitchen:All Clear.

Bathroom: All Clear.

"Sir! The master bedroom is locked!" A voice exclaimed. Howard approached the door, shooting the locks off with his shotgun, then kicked the door open.

As they entered, they gasped.

Kayaba was there alright...but he wore a nervegear...blood oozing from his skull, streaming down his face to the bed,a small puddle dripping onto the floor. One of the officers approached, checking for his pulse.

'Sir...He is dead." He muttered his way.

Howard took off his sunglasses, staring at Kayaba. He at first didn't know what to instruct his men. But as they searched, they found something.

'Sir,the computer has a video pulled up!" A voice hollard. Everyone including Howard gathered in front of the computer. One of the officers radioed in the situation.

The video was labeled "A Message."

It was for them, and the world. They played it.

It showed the room they were in, the camera facing the bed. Kayaba entered the view, sitting down in the chair. He cracked his neck.

"Hello world." Kayaba began.

"Welcome to my...apartment. As you can see, I'm dead when you see this. But rest assured. I am alive in my world. The world I have all to myself. And as a friendly reminder, should any player be logged out before my world is cleared: I will manually have everyone else killed. And the soul survivor will have to live with the guilt of knowing it was their fault."

Kayaba stood from his chair and bowed.

"Thank you for your understanding."

A bullet went through the screen, it startling everyone. Howard had his pistol pointed to the screen, his face filled with frustration, and defeat.

"Sir...?" An officer asked worriedly. the rest of his group looked up at Howard.

"...Men,return to the station..." He ordered. Without Kayaba, no one would be able to figure out how to gain access to the thousands of players in Sword Art Online. Many top hackers said they could hack in a logout button, but the United Nations declared that it would be too risky, since Kayaba already had such a tight grip on his world.

The world had to accept it:Kayaba had won. All they could do now was keep the players alive through life support, and pray someone was able to beat it. And soon.

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