Letter from the Author

5.5K 356 122

June 25, 2016

You. Yes, you - the one who just finished reading the most precious novel I've ever written. Thank you. Thank you so much.

I came up with the idea for Oxygen back in November of 2013, but I was having trouble figuring out the title. That was until I discovered Rough Water by Travie McCoy ft. Jason Mraz. I was outside, leaning against my washing machine, listening to the song when the line "I'll be your oxygen" stood out to me. And then it just clicked.

I finished writing the first version of Oxygen in May of 2014. 56 pages ~ 31K words ~ 36 chapters + a prologue & epilogue. I left it on Wattpad for a year, somehow gathering 31.3K reads. However, I decided to go back and read my work -- and wow, it was unforgivably cringeworthy. So I decided to rewrite the story; I started from January of 2015 and finished in June of this year. I ended up with 134 pages ~ 68K words ~ 50 chapters.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that writing this story has been the best thing I've ever done, and sharing it with all of you has brought me such a profound happiness. You might be aware of how I battle with depression and suicidal urges, but I also mentioned my oxygen, the reasons that keep me breathing. And guess what? You are oxygen. You are a reason I am here right now.

Maybe you're a silent reader, or you've voted on every single chapter, or you've left enthusiastic comments, or you added Oxygen to a reading list, or you even followed me -- whatever you've done, thank you. Your support has fueled me to keep going, and it makes me feel better, especially on hard days, especially when I don't want to be alive anymore. Knowing that strangers all over the world have taken time out of their days to read about June and Forrest is insane. I appreciate each and every one of you 100%. I worked so extremely hard on this, like I can't even.

If this story has helped you in any way, made you smile, or caused you to realize something important, then writing it is absolutely worth it.

You might be like June (someone who doesn't quite understand their importance) or you might be like Forrest (someone who offers nothing but love, kindness, and hope) or you might be both. Whoever you are, whatever you do, just remember that you are capable of more than you know. You are meant to exist, and you are wonderful simply by being yourself.

Maybe you feel like you're running out of oxygen, or you're still struggling to find it, but have you ever considered that you might be oxygen for someone else? Whether or not you admit it, you have already touched so many lives and you are going to touch more. You have never been and you will never be worthless. Just keep swimming and just keep breathing.

Also, if your name has appeared somewhere in this story, surprise! That means that at some point in time, you meant something to me. Or you still mean something to me. Maybe you're a dear friend, or a family member, or a boy who was unlucky enough to hold my heart. :-)

If you're interested, here is the playlist:
Sink or Swim / Kate Keller
Nightingale / Demi Lovato
Beating Heart / Ellie Goulding
Fighting for Nothing / Meg and Dia
Vienna / Ariana Grande
State of Grace / Taylor Swift
Two Pieces / Demi Lovato
Fire Meet Gasoline / Sia
Sparks Fly / Taylor Swift
Nature Boy / Aurora Aksnes
Dead in The Water / Ellie Goulding
Crazier / Taylor Swift
When I Look at You / Miley Cyrus
I Won't Give Up / Jason Mraz
Life Jacket / Sia
Stay / Demi Lovato
Take Me Home / Jess Glyne
The Broken Ones / Dia Frampton
Lionheart / Demi Lovato

Also, if you're wondering if there will be a sequel, yes! It'll be titled Hydrogen. Wait, no, don't get excited -- I'm just kidding. (#chemistryjokes) I'm sorry, but quite frankly, I have had enough of June and Forrest. However, you might want to watch out for a special epilogue, which I'll be posting once Oxygen reaches 100K reads. :)

Well, although this story is over, I hope you take it with you and keep it close. Go have conversations, honest and uplifting conversations. Order a hot chocolate at a café. Take pictures of people and things you care about. Let go of ghosts. Be kind to the homeless. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to everyone. Solve a jigsaw puzzle. Visit a music store or a church. Go in for a hug or a kiss. Do things you want to do, things you were born to do. And just live.


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