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a/n: for those who have read this story, i'm changing it up. i am taking Camila out and replacing her with Kehlani. which means i also have to change up my story. i had chapters after this one when i first published this but i didn't like it so i left it alone until i could figure out what to do. i'm going to do my best to change this around.

10 seconds.

that's all Dinah had. looking left to right, she found her teammates, unable to get past the opposing players.

5 seconds.

shit! she took a deep breath before jumping and throwing the ball. the buzzer went off and the crowd went silent. beads of sweat running down her face as the ball hits the basket.


she lets out a breath of relief as everyone starts cheering. her team crowding around her with big smiles.

"you did it, Hansen!" her coach yelled, slapping her back.

"yes sir!"

"hit the showers! practice is at 5 tomorrow!" he yelled, walking away with a smile.

the girls ran towards the locker room. Dinah opened her locker before someone shut it. she looks to the side to find her two best friends smiling widely at her.

"you did great." her short friend commented.

"thanks Ally."

Ally smiled before they pulled Dinah into a hug.

"I knew you had it in you." her pale friend said, smiling.

"Lauren, do you know how fast my heart was racing? I have been practicing so hard just to perfect a three pointer."

she chuckled. Dinah wiped her sweat with a hand towel that ally had given her a second ago.

"it paid off, didn't it? anyway, Dinah, you practice too damn hard when you should let it come naturally. practice is good but not when you're overworking yourself."

Lauren was right. Dinah had been overworking herself because she wanted to be great. she wanted to get a scholarship and become successful. she wanted her parents but now it's just her mom to be proud of her and her achievements. every time she came home, she did her homework first before heading outside to play basketball.

"get in the showers. we're going to celebrate tonight." Ally said, pushing Dinah towards the showers.

Lauren and Ally had been there since they were little. their parents were best friends with each other and in turn, they all became best friends. she did everything with the girls. they are her ride or die and she would die for them. through all the things that were thrown their way, they still stayed together. no rumors or boys would destroy their friendship. they have an incredibly strong bond that would take a whole lot to break it. she loves these girls.


"Kehlani, slow down. what do you want me to do?"

"Normani, will you come to the girls basketball cheerleading try outs with me?"

"what for?"

"there are some cute ass females on the team."

Normani chuckled into the phone.

"Lani, remember that I'm not like you. if i go, i'll be doing it because i love it."

"I still don't see why you're trying to be a lady or whatever it's called. Daya would do it just for the girls."

"she's a basketball player. she's already trying to get with half the team."

"just please try out with me."

"fine, I'll try out with you. you better buy me food afterwards."

"thank you so much! tryouts are tomorrow at 3. byeeeee!" she yelled, causing Normani to remove her phone from her ear.

she shook her head with a slight smile. that girl was crazy. if she hadn't been Normani's best friend from when they were little then she wouldn't be doing the try outs with Kehlani. she was so shy when Normani had meet her in second grade. it took her weeks before she finally talked to Normani and became her best friend. she helped Kehlani break from her shell. she likes trying new things and has Normani try out with her so she doesn't feel lonely. being the friend she is, Normani accepted because she didn't want to stand in the way of her best friend wanting to be try new things. she's a smart cookie and a bookworm. nevertheless, Normani loves her.



Normani arrived at school and headed towards the gym. she could see people playing basketball out on the court in the hot weather. looking a little bit longer, she spotted zendaya . Normani smiled at her best friend, doing the thing she loves. she could see how great she was when playing basketball. Normani could've went for basketball but she didn't want to. she didn't think she had it in her to do it so she didn't do it. now she was going to try out for cheerleading and cheer on the basketball players. that's something she's content with. maybe, just maybe, she'll find someone that intrigues her.

"Mani! are you going in or not?" she heard Kehlani scream from behind her .

"sorry, I got lost in my thoughts thinking about our best friend."

"come on, try outs are about to start. we better hurry up."

Normani nodded as they both ran into the school. her heart was racing as they were nearing her number.

"Normani Hamilton?" a voice called, pulling her out of her thoughts .

she walked into the gym and saw three people were there. it was a lady with long black hair with tan skin sitting in the middle. she must be the coach and the two beside her must be the captain and co-captain of the basketball cheerleading team. they told her what she needed to do and Normani did it. after she was done, they dismissed her and said that they will put up a sheet on Monday to say who made it or not.

"Mani, do you think you made it?"

"I don't know Lani."

she looked at her and nodded without another word. before she could leave , Zendaya appeared.

"hey, what's up?" Zendaya asked, popping up out of nowhere.

"I went to the try outs for basketball cheerleading with Lani."

"I get to hear my friends cheering me on at the games now."

"we'll be screaming the loudest for you."

she gave Normani a kiss on the cheek before saying that she needed to shower and to text her when Normani got home. she nodded and walked to her car with Kehlani. she gave Kehlani a hug before she left. she hopes that she made it because if she didn't then she would be pissed. and when Normani Hamilton is pissed, all hell is going to break loose.

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