Boku wa Seigen Burekumasen(Chapter1)

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Note: this story was created by voltpower1, COPYRIGHT, all rights reserved. This book may not be reused, translated or copied in any form without the WRITER'S PERMISSION. Contact ( Anyone found to be using any ideas from this book will be taken to the court of law.

Night1: Demon Slayer.

It looked like a peaceful sunset, with the wind gently blowing the leaves off the wild trees of the forest, and in a not too far distance there was a village with people going about their daily lives from the vendors trying to sell their goods to the manual labourers carrying bags of sand from one location to the next. Right next to a shop there were two old but spry men having a casual conversation.

Man1: I heard some really weird rumours lately, do you know anything about it?

Man2: It depends on which one you are talking about, the ominous killings that are happening in the village or the the strange transactions that the Shogun Government have been making?

Man1: Both. I mean let's just face it that hardly anything has changed in this country. We may be war veterans but everyone knows that even with the establishment of the Shogun Government that the country is still suffering from the war between humans and de....

But before the old man could say anything else, there was a gigantic roar that came from the forest which was heard by the townspeople. Everyone stopped, which made it look like time itself froze. Suddenly there was someone running through the village shouting, "DEMON, A DEMON IS COMING!!!!" Soon everyone was panicking on the streets with everyone scattering to find themselves in shelter, most of them ended up running to their homes. Soon the roar was heard again and we cut back to the forest with some of the environment being destroyed by a demon that was 20 feet tall. We see that the demon is enraged because it couldn't hit its target, which was a guy wearing a black cloak covering his whole body. The denmon tried to cut him in half with its giant claymore but mised and destroyed yet another tree.

Demon: You bastard, why don't you hold still?!!!

Cloaked person: Wow, if this is all you have to offer then I'm going to be extremely disappoited.

The person's remark angered the demon even more. Suddenly the claymore started to glow red which then made the demon smile.

Demon: Now then, let's see how tough you really are now that my sword is cloaked with my chi!

The demon then swings at the cloaked person but it dididn't manage to cut him. The force of the blow instead blew the cloak off the person and was able to level some of the forest within their vicinity.

Cloaked person: Now THIS is more like it!

Demon: Don't think that I'm done yet!!

The demon was about to deliver the fatal blow until suddenly the person reached for his sword on his left hip and was able to parry the attack.

Demon: What, impossible!!!!

Cloaked person: I can't believe you didn't see this shit coming.

He then pushed the demon back, throwing it off balance.

Cloaked person: Now it's my turn, "Dragon step"

Suddenly he was moving so fast that the demon couldn't track his swift movements. He soon ended up behind the demon, and before the demon could make another move he quickly swung his sword upwards cutting the foul demon in half. As the demon splits in two the person flicked the blood off the sword and sheathed it.

Cloaked person: Since you're the first demon to make me fight with the front of the sword at least you deserve to know the name of the person that has killed you. Remember it well, because Ryunosuke Hisagi is the one that killed you.

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