Chapter 8

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after 4 days went by

   I was hesitate about calling him because i'm scare to. He gave me the image of a cold, short-temper man that will do anything to have what he want. Now that makes me scare because if i deny his access to have the baby with him he may try to take the baby from me. I was hesitate but i have to tell him. My hand tremble, but I still type his phone number from the card he gave me.

ring ring ring 

   He did not answer after the third ring, but just a moment before it gonna end he picks it up.

  "Hello" he spoke but I was mute.  

 "Hello" he spoke again and I took deep breathe and answer him.

 "I..Its me, Lena" I spoke with a tremble voice it was shaky. He pause for like 5 second but it feels so long, then he finally spoke.

"Do you have your answer?" he said like it was a normal thing to say.

"" I stutter as I answer him 

"Well what is it and you better make it quick because I have a meeting to go to" he told me, but I was still scare to so I pause for what feels like minutes or hours before I gave him my answer.

"Mother said that she will want to meet you too and my sister will also come too" I gave my answer quietly through the phone but I'm sure he can hear me.

"Okay we'll meet tomorrow at 5 at Moonlight Ivy ( a made up name from a website that I put two different names together ) restaurant" he told me, but I was shock!

"Moonlight Ivy! That places is expensive!" I yell.

"Ouch! Didn't know you could be this loud. Don't complain cause we are going to meet there, just tell them my name and they will lead you" he kinda yell back, but it was my fault cause I yell first. But that place is expensive, like a meal could cost $500 dollars. I know I have no choice but to do what he told me, so I told him okay in a defect and quiet tone. Just after I gave him my answer he hang up the phone. I don't want to tell my sister and mom yet because 1) I'm not ready yet and 2) Luna and me live in different house because of college, so we are mot with mom then, and finally 3) Luna is not home yet from her job. I wait for her, because of her job if I don't tell her in advances she will not be able to go tomorrow. I wait till 2 in the morning and was feeling sleepy. At that moment the door open and in she came.

"Lena what are you doing so late at night" she scold me

"I was waiting for you because I have to tell you something and I don't know if you can make it tomorrow if I don't tell you tonight" I explain to her

"Okay hurry and tell me and go to bed" she replied

"He told me that mother and you want to meet him and he told me to tell you that we will be meeting at 5pm tomorrow at Moonlight Ivy restaurants"

"Moonlight Ivy restaurant! that place is expensive!" she yell the same thing I did

"I know but he said it have to be that place" she mumble something under her breathe and told me she'll tell mom and told me I have to go to sleep because it getting late. I went to my bedroom and fell asleep as soon as I lay down and thought that I don't want to go to tomorrow at all.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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