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828-672-1929: hello

Princess 👑: it's me

828-672-1929: long time no convo

Princess 👑: 1 minute ago

828-672-1929: I have a concert tonight😩

Princess 👑: and you are gonna kill it.

Jay💙: I can't wait to see you

Princess 👑: I can't wait either

Jay💙: you know I never let people in that easy to my life. But something about you told me that it was the right decision

Princess 👑: my boobs

Jay💙: way to ruin the moment

Princess 👑:😂😂 love you, and I'm thankful to be apart of your life.

Jay💙: gotta go babe, rehearsals 😢 I'll text you when I'm out.

Princess 👑: okay good luck! And don't bother, focus on what's important right now.

Jay💙: you are important

Princess 👑: aww that is so sweet 💗 ILYSMMM

Jay💙: love you so much more!

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