I was struggling to walk i got up by the door and heard the docters speaking.looks like i will finally recive peace.for a minut then it felt like i traveld out of mt body.i shiverd in shock.i started listling clostely to what they were saying.
Nurse baily"no you cant put her down shes a bloody human being"
Docter surs"we have to shes fuking crazy"
Nurse baily"most of the people her are"
Docter surs"its been going on for twenty years twenty years"
Nurse baily"we can help her"
Docter surs"we fucking cant weve tried years fucking years ann"
Nurse baily"i wont let you"
Docter surs"if i hear anything more about this youre fied"
Nurse baily"no would you like to ne put down.when somthings haunting you"
Docter surs"actually i would.it would free me from a sico"
Then i heard footsteps he must of gone.i heard her sigh.i was shoked.i was scared.im not a dog i dont need be put down.im not crazy.if only he sore her if only he felt the pain i go frow.
I knew ever since i came here he had it out for me.what have i done wronge.because im bieng hunted my help is FUKING dieng.
Then all of a sudden she was in my present.i could not dar.say a word.im loked in a room whith her i could tell she was mad.she was yelling things that made me shriek but quitly.she was walking towards me.
Monster"you fuking bitch only if you kept youre mouth shut luny"
Sydney"i..mm so..rry"
I was stuttering so bad.i felt tears coming down my face.then she diserpead and the door slamed open.it was docter surs.
Docter surs"yo sico youre going in a room changed up and tomorrow you will die bitch"
Sydeny"fuck of perv"
Docter surs"oh you want the perveted side"
He dragged my by my hair and chaned my hands and feet and chuked me in a dark room.
The last words he said made me shiver in gulit of what i said.
Docter surs"i will be back later with youre punishment."