Monday 1986 january 16
I was taking a bath the hot burning warter felt nice on my skin.i sat there trying forget about...ab...o..t THE scard my body was shivering in fear.i let out a small wimper and a tear ran down my cheek.
Nurse baily"alright sydeney i will be back soon i will get youre breackfast since you refuse to move"
Syddeny"no..o dont leave me alone"
I was finding it hard to speak i newshe would here my thought are my only safth.i was holding her arm tight but she just let go and probly wasent tight im weak.i put on a whight top and stept out the the bath walking to the window.this was the only thew i get of the wold.
Monster"im here"
I heard a wisper she was right behind tears started to flood and my body was shaking.i sat down in the corner roking.refusing to see her.
Sydeny"leave me bitch"
Monster"i need you"she wisperd like usually
Nurse baily came rushing in i sore the monster gigle in delight.i was sat in a pile of tears.
Nurse bail"what the hell are you doing sitting On the floor get up theres no one here"
Sydeny"they never see her"
Nurse baily"see who"
Sydeny"the monster"
Nurse baily"thats it this has gone to far"
She dragged my. Arm and pulled me out of the room.i sore her behind the door.then all of a sudden it slammed shut.i shireked in fear.
Next minut i was in my room.i hated this place.i hated my life.i lyed there on the floor sobbing my heart out.i could hear her giggle replay over and over again in my mind.i just lyed on the cold hard floor not on my bed the floor.