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I'm back, and okay. I'm going to be updating more frequently. I'm also starting a new story soon. So sorry for the crazy author's notes all the time, and I've made you guys wait, but I'm back, and alright. I will update as frequently as I can, I have band camp so that might slow me down. I'm back in the swing, and plan on continuing this story. I'll try my absolute best to upload once a week or more. Thank you for baring with me. I love you all– alyssa

Matt and (Y/n)had picked up the bed, it was currently in the back of Matt's car. They had 10 minutes before they were home. (Y/n) lie her head on Matt's arm, that was on the armrest between them. She was sleeping, snoring very faintly.
Matt twitched his arm she lie her head on, trying to wake her to notify her that they would be at the apartments soon. Matt moved his arm a slight bit, being careful not to let her head fall. He acted to gentle with her, he hoped she wasn't fake sleeping.
After a few nudges, (Y/n) lifted her head. "Huh?" She questioned sleepily.
"Hey, we'll be at the apartments soon..." Matt whispered. He really didn't want to leave. He didn't know much about her, but her faint snoring relaxed him. Matt thought about Ping, Alex, who cheated on him. Then he thought about how relaxed he was with her. He had no intentions of dating her. He just appreciated her presence.
"Okay." (Y/n) said quietly.
"Hey, uh, do you just wanna keep driving?" Matt asked awkwardly.
(Y/n) sat up, "I'm down. Stars are out." She yawned after speaking. Matt took a turn on a different street.
"Hey, guess what?" Matt opened his sunroof in one movement, pressing the button and letting the wind insert the car. Speckles of stars shown faintly.
"Woah. It's pretty outside." (Y/n) used the button one the right side of her seat to lean her seat back. "You aren't kidnapping me, right?"
"Well, if I am, I'm possibly the nicest kidnapper around." Matt chuckled.
"I've never met a kidnapper, so I wouldn't know." (Y/n) folded her hands over her stomach and looked up towards the sky. The moon shine brightly, clouds drifted over the waxing quarter moon (Ayee, you science nerds)
"Well, Ryan might be one, but not me."
All that was visible were headlights reflecting off the speed limit signs and exits. Neither Matt nor (Y/n) knew what time it was. Matt reached over to his auxiliary cord, "Hey, play a song." Matt handed (Y/n) the cord. (Y/n) took out her phone and played her favorite song. Drive.
"Holy shït you know this song?" Matt glanced towards (Y/n) as the song started as an instrumental.
"Well duh." (Y/n) rolled her eyes. The song started, and like when (Y/n) took a shower, they sang together. Matt's deeper voice mixed well with (Y/n)'s more feminine voice. Their voices matched perfectly.
All we do is drive.
All we do is think about the feelings that we hide.
All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign.
Matt was an amazing singer. It was almost as if he had been singing for many years as a professional, but (Y/n) doubted he had any kind of music lessons. The song ended. (Y/n) looked at Matt, "You definitely were the guy that was singing in the shower with me."
     "Wait, you were that other voice on the side of the wall?" Matt looked confused.
      "Uh, yeah I guess so." (Y/n) nodded. The next song came on.
      "Woah, that's kinda cool." Matt looked at his watch for a moment. It was only 7pm.
"Yeah, you're a great singer." (Y/n) smiled.
"Really? I don't think so." Matt chuckled.
"I'm guessing you didn't take any singing lessons?" (Y/n) questioned. Laying back in her seat once again.
"I did when I was like, fourteen." Matt shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't learn a lot though. And that was years ago"
"Yeah, well maybe you're naturally a good singer. Possibly got it from your parents.
"If that's true, I definitely didn't get my singing from my dad." Matt laughed. "He's not good at singing."
"Maybe your mom?" (Y/n) realized that the song that was on was Ghost by Halsey.
"Possibly. My mom is an okay singer." Matt answered, seeming to also notice the song that had turned on. "You're a Halsey fan?" Matt questioned.
       "Well, if it weren't obvious." (Y/n) giggled.
      "What's your favorite song?" Matt smiled brightly.
      "I love Colors."
     "Colors is a close second." (Y/n) kept her eyes on Matt.
      "Where does Drive fall on that list?" Matt asked.
       "Tied with Hurricane."  (Y/n) answered. "By the way, I noticed you glance at me when I was sleeping, well, kinda falling asleep." Matt shivered. "Do you like me or something?"
      "No." Matt answered quickly. "I'm still not over my ex..." Matt's heart screamed at him it was a lie. He didn't want to like another girl.
    He wasn't ready, and told himself he never will be .

Love, Matt - Matt Watson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now