Alone With Her

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Matt changed the subject. "So, (Y/n), tell me some things about you." His eyes bounced off the speed limit signs.
"Well, I told you the basic stuff. My name is (Y/n) (L/n). I was born on (MM/DD/YY), I'm 19 years old. I have one younger brother. I grew up in Charleston. I don't believe my neighborhood had a name." (Y/n) chuckled as she thought of the name of the neighborhood that Matt had grown up in. "That's kinda it."
       "Favorite color?" Matt asked.
       "(f/c)" (Y/n) liked how Matt wanted to know something as little as that.
         "Five'foot , four inches."
           "Shorty" Matt joked.
            "Shut up" (Y/n) held back from punching him, knowing it would make the car swerve.  "By the way, how long have we been driving for? And where are we?"
          "About 10 minutes from Valencia." Matt answered looking at the exit sign above.
        "Should we go back?" Does Ryan know where we are?" (Y/n) continued to question.
       "If you want to, and I told Ryan that we would be gone a bit longer.
        "What times is it?"
         "Ten pm"
"Wow. We've been gone a while"
"Yeah." Matt pulled into a gas station to turn around to head back to Glendale.
             " Yep." (Y/n) muttered. She leaned against her window, staring out at the dark sky.   "My legs are actually starting to fall asleep." Matt didn't say anything. He focused on the road.
           "(Y/n)?" Matt finally spoke.
           "Yeah, Matt?" (Y/n) looked at him.
            "You know I have no intentions of getting with you, right?" Matt's voice was quiet, but loud enough for (Y/n) to hear slightly.
            "Yeah. After-"
               "Alex..." Matt finished her sentence.
                  "I'm very sorry that happened, Matt. I've never been cheated on, so I wouldn't know that pain." (Y/n)'s voice got quieter as she spoke.
"Just why me?" Matt asked. "What did I ever do wrong to her?" Matt ranted on. "I gave her everything I could. Just to fucking find her with another man, saying she loved me." (Y/n) let Matt ramble on. She listened to what he said.
"It wasn't you, Matt. It was her." (Y/n) threw her words in about the topic.
"I'm moving back to South Carolina in two days." That surprised (Y/n) and caught her off guard
"Why are you moving back?" (Y/n) asked.
Matt came up with the excuse of, "My parents need me back home."
"What about Ryan? Aren't you guys roommates?" (Y/n) inquired.
"He's moving back in with Mark after I leave." Matt seemed more calm now. "Ryan and I won't be continuing our gaming or sketch comedy channel."
The approached the sign saying "Welcome to Glendale" (Y/n) had just made friends, only to find they were moving away. She would once again be alone. "Matt, what's the real reason you're moving back home?" (Y/n) knew that he was leaving because of Alex.
"I can tell you know why." Matt answered, almost reading her mind.
"Why let her get to you?"
"She was a big part of my life, (Y/n). I just wish I was as big apart of hers." Matt turned down the street of the apartments.
"Maybe at one point you were. Like I said, Matt. It's not your fault." (Y/n) looked at the passing cars. "It's cheesy, but she dropped a diamond for a rock." She realized what she said, and quickly added, "You should think that, atleast."

They arrived back at the apartments, and Ryan came down to help carry (Y/n)'s mattress and bed frame up to her apartment. "Thank you." (Y/n) added after the bed frame was assembled and Ryan lowered the mattress onto it.
"No prob." Ryan responded. Matt and Ryan went back to their apartment and (Y/n) instantly fell asleep on her bed, without charging her phone or putting a bed sheet on it.

Hey guys! I updated again. Yey.

Okay so here's and insert of what's going on in my life.
– I feel that I'm overworking myself because I'm trying to do so many things such as write, attempt YouTube videos, edit videos, draw, do commissions, channel art, photography, guitar, drums, and marching band. My mind is everywhere at the moment. But yeah, there's that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Love you all~ have a nice damn daddy day–

Love, Matt - Matt Watson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now