75.Beside you

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  Semnele zodiacale precum versuri din "Beside you"

Berbec: Another day, and I'm somewhere new 

Taur: I wish I was, I wish I was beside you 

Gemeni: So close but so far away 

Rac: I made a promise that I'll come home soon 

Leu: There's pieces of us bothunder every city light 

Fecioară: Some words are hard to speak 

Balanță: My heart wants to come home 

Scorpion: And they're shining as we fade into the night 

Săgetător: Time stops, I wish that I could rewind 

Capricorn: When we both wake up underneath the same sun 

Vărsător: Trying to find the words to say 

Pești: When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky  

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