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She sits in a room alone in the dark curled up with her knees to her chest shes crying wondering why everything she tries to make happy and good go wrong all the time she feels like its her fault cause it usually most of the time always is but hey if only people knew how she really felt on the inside when everything came crashing down after having happy moments they'd understand why she was upset but people just don't seem to care she tries and tries but sometimes trying isn't good enough shes crying harder wishing everything would go back to the way it was but she soon realizes it'll never be the same she works hard at trying to keep what she loves happy but pushes to hard and causes it to break and crumble and it hurts her even more she just wants the pain to stop she wants the world to stop caving in and she just wants her and her boyfriend to be left alone in peace so they can be their selfs and not worry if someone is judging them its hurting her to see the pain thats being caused but scant do anything about it her emotions are the one thing thats causing her to break shes scared that one day the love of her life will leave or just stop loving her for whatever reason and she'll feel worthless cause by the time she would try and save the relationship it would be over and shed just stay broken her pain from the past re-enters the picture and causes her to over think of what happened then could happen now and shes scared as hell to know if its gonna happen she don't want it to cause she don't want to lose her soul mate and her best friend the one shes told so many things to someone she trusts more than she trusts her self and some she loves very much the pain she gets from thinking of losing him is unbearable and she just wants to cry from the feeling cause it hurts her chest shes imagined life with out him and there was just an empty space she couldn't feel anything she was zoned out she was in pain from imagining something like losing him she just hold her chest where her heart is and cries and it replays in her head over and over again the nightmare of losing him is coming true but shes had enough she says "its time to stand I'm tired of the pain and I'm tired of hurting so from now on this pain is going to be ended and me and my boyfriend are gonna be happy i may push him to the point where he gets pissed off at me but i cant help it i just love him and want whats best for him and I'm not giving up on him" she slowly wipes her eyes and her nose and calms her self down she tells her self "I'm not and i will not give up on him i promised him that id always be there and I'm keeping that promise even if it does cause me to push to hard" she tells him shes sorry for everything for always causing him to be stressed out and to get mad all the time she feels like a bad girlfriend but shes so attached that she cares more than he or anyone else sees if their was a scale on 10-100 on how much she cared shed go 1,000,000,000 her love never expires for him her love stays with him always she gave him her heart and he's kept it locked away in his chest keeping it safe and only he has the key to unlocking her heart.

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