At the sound of something landing on his desk, Jim stopped polishing the magnifying glass in his hand. A newspaper required his attention. The Police News. It was a welcome break to a slow morning at the office of Penderry's Bizarre magazine. He investigated the bringer of the newspaper through the sparkling lens. His friend and colleague, Alfred Westman, stood in front of the desk, flanked by his dog and his servant, Blinks."Freddie, good to see you, old boy." Delighted, Jim peered out of the office door, looking for the receptionist. "Rosa, bring some tea, would you?"
"Never mind the tea." Westman bent and jabbed the newspaper headline with his finger. "Straight off the press this morning. What have you been up to now?"
Jim leaned forward to get a good look at the paper. Animal attack in Hyde Park, announced the headline. The police illustration of the alleged incident was rather unflattering. A black ink sketch depicted the terrified victims and himself pointing a rifle at a rabid dog.
"That is shocking. It wasn't a rabid dog. The police have it all wrong as usual."
Westman went to the mildewed back wall and pinned the headline on a cork board. "According to Blinks, you were in a gas balloon?"
"A balloon ride, yes."
"You came upon a helpless group of travellers, then shot and pursued a werewolf across Hyde Park?"
"And rounded off your little spree by crashing the balloon in a tree?"
"That's right. Shame about the crash, of course. Turns out, a gas balloon is not the best way to catch a werewolf. Oh, don't look at me like that. The balloon is still in one piece, more or less. I'm going to pay for the repair."
Westman came back to the desk. "Hang the balloon. I'm more concerned about your passenger. Is she still in one piece?"
His eyebrows cinched. "I thought her name was Nancy?"
Confound it.
"That's what I said. Nancy. Of course she's still in one piece. But I got the impression she never wants to see me again."
"I don't blame her. If you insist on endangering a girl to impress her, you could at least have the common decency to remember her name."
He laughed. "I wasn't trying to impress anyone."
Westman shook his head. "It's prudent to-"
"Keep business and private affairs separate. Yes, yes. Can I help it if I'm always prepared for a paranormal encounter? You know as well as I, monster hunting is more than just a job. It's a way of life for us."
Westman gave a cynical smile. "We're not monster hunters, Jim. We're investigative journalists."
Jim grinned. "You can call it what you like."
Freddie Westman was the best monster hunter he knew – other than himself, naturally – and Jim was proud to work alongside him.
At that moment, the receptionist arrived with their tea.
"Thank you, Rosa," said Westman.
The printing presses in the building next-door stirred to life, and the dull thrum of machinery seeped through the wall. The receptionist left and Jim turned to Westman.
"It isn't all bad. I saved some lives last night."
"Yes, Blinks told me everything."
Westman's Border Collie leaned against Blinks' leg and whined.
Moonlight Secrets (#2 Penderry's Bizarre)
ParanormalLife during The Raj can be full of perils for an English girl, even one raised in India with a parasol in one hand and a rifle in the other. Bunny Spencer's father sends her to London, but the moment she reaches British shores, a nightmarish beast a...