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Sam and Dean were standing in the park next to their motel coming up with a plan of action for stopping the rest of the sixty six seals that weren't yet broken from being crushed by Lillith.

"Listen, Ruby could help us."

"Sam. No. She's the wicked bitch of hell. We ain't trusting her, all she'll do is use us." Sam rolls his eyes at Deans response, he has an obvious disliking to Ruby.

"All I'm saying is that she could be helpful, you don't know her like I do." Now it's Deans turn for the eye roll.

"Sorry, I didn't screw her so I don't know what she's like in the sheets, but I do know she's an evil son of a bitch."


"We'll talk later okay, we need to get on the road." Dean turns to march off, but as he does a loud metal grinding against metal sound filled Sam and Deans ears. The brothers withe their hands to their ears crumple to the ground in pain, the noise gets louder and louder while a bright light appears in front of the boys. Suddenly silence. No noise aside from the regular park sounds, no bright lights. Sam looks up expecting to see an angel, demon or monster, he was highly surprised when he saw a badly injured woman swaying from side to side obviously struggling to keep her own weight up. Sam turned to Dean to see him staring at the girl in the same manner. Shock. Confusion. But mainly concern. The ladies body slowly starts to tip towards the ground, Dean gets up and rushes to her side just in time to catch her fall.

Sophia's (Woman From Park) P.O.V

My head felt like it was going to explode, a bright light shone through my eyelids, my body to scrunched up in reaction to the light level, well, tried to. My wrists and ankles banged into shackles causing a loud rattling sound to echo through-out wherever I am. My eyes burst open due to to loud sound, walls with strange symbols surrounded me. "S.O.P.H.I.A," I muttered, "Sophia Heath." I exhale loudly. "Name, check. Where I am, going to figure out." I try to squirm out of the tight metal that encased my hands and feet. I felt a sharp sting in my left temple, I grunted and shook as the pain intensified. Images flooded my mind, an Impala, two males, a journal, a man in a trench coat and two words. WINCHESTER BROTHERS. Slowly the pain decreased and my vision cleared. I must find the Winchester Brothers, they might be able to help me, or skin me alive and wear my skin as pajamas... hopefully the first one.

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