Chapter 1: Colors

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(hey guys, so not many of u put in the comments which wolf you wanted, so instead I've continued the story with both wolves and a new wolf, each representing the moons. An if you haven't already noticed i am using the same types of names that u would used in warrior cats, but instead of putting kit after there name I put pup, just to let you know... Anyways, hope you enjoy)

"Aren't they precious? " a tawny brown she-wolf observed the pups, then turned her gaze to their mother. "You must be so proud of your young ones. They seem quite healthy as well."
"Ah, yes." another she-wolf put in, gazing fondly as they lightly wrestled each other. "Crescent Pup looks so much like his father, Night Sky, does he not?"

"Yeah, and Half Pup looks like a mix of both you and Night Sky! " one of the pups barked as he clumsily stumbled up to Half Pup. Winter Pup immediately recognized the familiar voice, it was Swift Pup, who had quite the affinity for his sister. "She's so unique," he continued sweetly, snuggling up next to his nest-mate.

Winter Pup could feel her mother's muscles stiffen under her fur and her tail shifting in irritation whenever they mentioned 'Night Sky', as she obviously didn't want to be reminded of her mate's death, but she bit her tongue and tried not to lose her temper. Suddenly movement in the entrance of the cave caused the lichen to shake, and a pair of heavy paws padded up to her mother, followed by a much younger wolf who skidded to a halt next to her leader.

"Pebble Paw told me about your new pups." His deep voice was gentle yet blunt towards Silver Pelt.

Winter Pup wrinkled her nose, for she didn't recognize the scent of the new wolf, nor the dried blood that clung to his fur that didn't appear to belong to him. Unsettled, she pressed herself against her mother, finding sanctuary in her soft and comforting fur.

"May I see them?" Pebble Paw asked politely.

"Indeed, you have full permission to." Silver Pelt answered, nodding in approval for her mild-mannered peer.

Pebble Paw's eyes lit up and her tail started wagging rapidly as she lightly stepped towards them. Her soft yellow gaze laid on Half Pup and Crescent Pup, who were sleeping in one bunch along with Swift Pup.

"Aww, how cute!" she gasped, her paw's beating the floor with excitement. Winter Pup silently willed her to stop. Don't wake them up!

"Ah, Pebble Paw, not too long ago you were just as small as they were." The older wolf padded next to her, following her gaze. Gradually, his expression started to look worried as he searched around.

"Didn't you say there were three pups?"

Pebble Paw opened her mouth for the answer but it was Silver Pelt who intervened instead. "Yes, I do have three, in fact, she is right here." Lightly, she pushed Winter Pup out of her hiding place, who let out a small squeal as she faced the other wolves.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw that the leader's dark blue eyes resting on her. Desperately, she tried to scramble back to her mother, but the encouraging look in Silver Pelt's eyes made her stop in her tracks. Winter Pup forced herself to look back at the leader, clearly aware of how hard she was trembling.

Slowly lifting up her head, she shifted once more, wrenching away and flattening her ears in discomfort.

"I-Is there something wrong?" she asked meekly, mustering the courage to speak.

The stern look that was given in reply made Winter Pup nervous all over again. "No, but you must be kept hidden," the leader turned to the other wolves in the den, his voice suddenly serious. "I ask for you to leave, there is something private I must discuss." The she-wolves and their pups obeyed, getting to their paws and leaving. Winter Pup was fully aware how they were muttering to each other, looking questionably back at her. She started to get a sick feeling.

"W-what does he mean? Why must I be h-hidden?" Horrible thoughts slipped into Winter Pup's mind, and the air suddenly felt as frigid and tense. Was there something wrong with her?

Silver Pelt's ears perked up and she stared up at him with understanding. There was a slight sense of indignation as well, but Winter Pup's mother only expressed it with a slight twitch of her tail.

"Um, what is going on?" Pebble Paw's high-pitched voice broke the silence, and all eyes focused on her. "Why are you two so surprised?"

The leader's gaze shifted to her. "For years, us wolves have strongly upheld the belief that all the colors we have the ability to see are sacred," he explained. "Without it our world would lose its beauty. For the fact that these colors not only represent pulchritude, but true spirit in nature itself, we are thankful. You should be as well." He stopped for a moment, letting his wise words sink in on all the surrounding wolves. "Each color represents something. It can be good, it can be bad, or the true power lies in the heart of the wolf itself." As he said the last words, his eyes flickered briefly to Winter Pup, as if they meant more than what she thought.

"But what does that have to do with Winter Pup?" Crescent Pup whined groggily, his amber eyes wide open. Winter Pup turned around, perceiving that her brother was awake all this time.

"Listen carefully, little one." His eyes were now resting Crescent Pup. "Red is one of colors that can take two paths. It can mean beauty and elegance, with looks it also allies with fierceness and strength. The worst of this color is hatred and the seeking for blood." Winter Pup winced but as he continued she became more interested " A golden coat is the sign of confidence, cheerfulness and loyalty. A blue/gray pelt is a sign of intelligence and swiftness." She could see swift pup wag his tail with pride as they mention his color " One with a brown pelt are wise and noble. Most with a silver pelt are also intelligence but also strong and brave. " he paused for a moment and continued with a darker tone " White wolves are known as a gift, they bring honor and strength to the pack and are know as the highest class of wolf, which is why you must kept hidden so that other packs don't take you.

He sighed before he continued "Wolves with a black pelt are known as cursed,...they are despised by most packs and are known as omega wolves, the lowest class of the pack....I do not agree, but I can't object the council. High moon and I tried to object, saying it was wrong but...we where out voted and this is how it will be for many seasons to pass."

Fear flashed in crescent pup's Amber eyes as the den held a long silence until his quivering voice broke it " did you know? Did all of you know that my life would be ruined because of my pelt!"

" not all of us " pebble paw responded but both silver pelt and frost moon kept quiet.

" pebble paw!!!" Instantly a brown wolf rushed in his yellow eyes clouded with fear " the west pack has come to battle!"

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