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"Ry. Ryyyyyyyy....." I was being awoken to shaking. "I swear to Satan Ryan Sitkowski, if you dont get your ass up I will chop off your fingers and shove them up your ass!" Instantly I got up. No one really scares me but if it has to be someone, it's Angelo. Ange never seemed to show much emotion but thrill when talking about his murders. He seemed proud to be a cold heartless killer. Me, I can kill anyone but children, they have futures for themselves.

Enough talking, Me and Ange have to get to work now. We're pretty trusted, so we are allowed to sort out mail. As soon as I open the doors I see Chris, Ghost, Vinny, and Balz. All friends and fellow murderers. Some of us never even knew each other before jail, but somehow it brought us together.

None of us knew Chris before jail. He is the oldest one in the group and has been here the longest. He is 29. Next up, Angelo. He knew me before jail and is 28. Balzeeboo is next. He hates when I call him that so I do it to fuck with him. Him and Ghost were dating before jail and still are. He is 27 while Ghost is 26. Then me. I'm 25. Then there is Vinny. Possibly the scariest of the group. He has major studies in psychology so he uses that to make you insane; to the point you commit suicide.

Well, it time for work. You always have to watch Ghost. He is known to out shit in envelopes. He is quiet so no one really notices. Balz is usually the one to watch him so he doesn't get in trouble and have to miss his Ghost. "Dev quit putting shit in the fucking envelopes!" I heard Balz whisper-yell to him. They have that love/hate relationship. They can hate each other one second then the next, want to tear off each other's heads.

"GUARD! Sola is puttin' shit in the envelopes!" We all heard TJ say. He flinched when Balz gave him the death glare. Dumbass is just mad because he used to have a thing with Dev. That 'thing' being TJ loving Ghost but Ghost hating TJ. Now that Ghost is with Balz, TJ is just a butthurt little shithead. "Sola! Hands behind your back!" The only female guard, Officer Brink yelled.

Ghost didn't respond but I stead gave Balz that look and nod. We all know that look anywhere. Guards don't, but that's a good thing. Usually, it ends with a few dead officers and Ghost and Balz in court getting a few additional life sentences on their never ending jail stay.

"Sola! Put your fucking hands in the air before I fucking taze you!!" Ghost complied and said the all to familiar line, "Game Over" and that was our signal to fight or to get the fuck out of there. Me, I chose to not fight for once because my sister Ally is visiting soon.
At that point there were two guards against Ghost, Balz, Vinny and Chris. Angelo being the 'angel' he is, decided to not fight as well. Confused on why I asked him. His answer being "Visit with Kells tomorrow." 'Kells' being his girlfriend Kelly. Kelly is in an all female prison with our other friends.

Sorry for not updating.

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