Stop pretending

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Dawn. I'd slept badly after the showdown with Art last night. I still felt guilt of not telling the others about what happened yesterday and not telling either Johnny, mum or dad why I bunked off yesterday. But I couldn't let this distract me again. I had enough problems to deal with to be thinking about it again. The last thing I needed was somebody else telling me I was getting everything wrong.
Already, my life had turned upside-down ever since Harry was born...actually no. It was me. It was my fault. It was my fault that I ended up in Arts life, getting married and falling pregnant to Arts child. This was all his doing. Him. Him not telling me the truth. Him hooking up with God knows how many girls. And most of all, him betraying me and to Harry. And my family.
I knew, better than anyone, what Art was capable of. And, the more I think about it, the more convinced I was that I should stick to my gut feeling that keeping the police out of the situation - even though they've helped me out with the investigation - was the best way to get my son safely home.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. My heart lurched as I opened the text.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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