Shocking Birthday

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(Shreya's Narration)
As the proverb goes, ' Time and Tide waits for none ' , so it happened in my life too..! I couldn't believe myself but I was 17 right now. I am doing my PUC courses here in my hometown , Bangalore. My friends call me blondy because of the beautiful long hair I have grown. I never felt complete without my bestiee near me. That idiot was none other than Pooja , the girl with beautiful curls and the kindest heart . She is such a cute girl and had so many boy followers. But she had no interest for them because she was in love with Karthik. Karthik , oh yea, my another best friend ,such a sweet guy who never lies. But Karthik doesn't know about Pooja's love on him. Pooja was so afraid to confess her love to him fearing she might lose her friendship too. We three ,of course were the Three Idiots of our University. But for me love was Kapoor and Kapoor was My only love. I never saw him after that day of sorrowful departure from Khathiya. I Missed him a lot. My grandparents passed away within few months after my departure from Khathiya. That time I was on a school picnic and din't get a chance to visit Khathiya again. So my days passed with every new dawn and dusk but with immovable memories of Kapoor. It was such a type of love where anything I remembered was only about him. I started crying. Noticing this Pooja came up to me, " Why idiot still feeling hard for the dumping Past ? Leave his memories aside. Live your reality and enjoy your life. Why can't you be like that ? " to which I replied, " My dear Princess, you have your Prince Charming in front of your eyes and I have it in my memories and its the pain of missing that makes me to cry and not my love. Now, leave me alone for some time and I will join you soon ." Saying so I again slipped back to my memory lane. Pooja and Karthik both knew about Kapoor and they always hang around me to make me find an Exit from my old memories. But my stupid heart, I can't help it. It never hears others words. That evening I slept soon. " Wake up you stupid ! Open up your eyes !" , a voice called out for me . I couldn't even guess what the fuss was happening around me. When I opened my eyes , Darkness was filled all around , so was my heart. Suddenly a single candle was burnt. Only then I realized that it was my Birthday. Oh shit. I was so worried about Kapoor that I even forgot my own birthday. All my class mates were there surrounding me with all the toolkits of the birthday party. Suddenly a disaster happened. Hey not so serious! It was my birthday bumps. I forgot about Kapoor for sometime and happily enjoyed my first few minutes of my birthday. We partied until dawn. All were about to leave, so I went till my gate to wade them Bye's. Surprisingly and also in a shocking way I was dragged and pulled into the car where Karthik and pooja were seated. I was totally puzzled. The car started and all my other friends left already. Near the gate my mom was happily wading me Bye. MY GOD. I seriously didn't get to know what was happening all around. Pooja seeing me told me to shut up and sleep. Since we partied all night I was quite tired and so with puzzled heart I managed to sleep somehow with millions of question mark in my head. After some time , Pooja woke me up and I slowly rubbed my eyes and watched the beautiful sceneries roadside. I felt as though I had already visited those roads. I again rubbed my eyes and saw the roads and started shouting loud. It was... It was... It was Khathiya.!

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