DIY Slime! No borax or liquid starch.

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I found this DIY pretty simple.

What you'll need;

'Elmer's glue. (Clear is recommended, but white is fine)

'Food coloring (This is an optional choice, if you want colored slime.)

'Laundry Detergent (You can use any kind, but Tide works best.)

'A small bowl or plate

'A skewer, fork, or spoon (Just something to mix it with.)

You can add glitter as well, if you want.

1. Put some of the Elmer's glue into the bowl or plate. You can put any amount depending on how much slime you want.

2.(optional) Add some food coloring until you get the color you want. Add any color glitter if you want to add some sparkle. Mix it all together

3. Add some laundry detergent. Only add a little bit at a time. If it's still sticky, add a little more detergent until you can touch it without it sticking.

4. I know the 'slime' will eventually start to look weird, that's when you pick it up and knead it with your hands till its stretchy and durable.

5. Tada!~ Your very own slime. You can now play with your beautiful creation. Remember to keep it in a small container so that it doesn't dry. 

If I get over five complaints about it not working I will add a video tutorial

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