The Jock

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You and your friend are sitting outside during free period, your best friend wanted to watch her boyfriend practice before the big game coming up this weekend. "Hey y/n, are you going to go to the game this Friday?" your friend asks you. You look up from your cell phone, "i don't know i was kind of planning on staying home and sleeping" You reply to her. "Oh come on, its the biggest game of the year and you are going to sleep through it?" your friend tells you and gives you puppy dog eyes "Please go y/n". "y/f/n, if i go will you not give me the sad eyes" you say looking at her. "So is that a yes i am hearing?" You laugh and say "yes" and your friend cheers. You look back down at your phone while your friend watches her man play football.
It was Friday night and you were walking home from school, you had your headphones in so you couldn't hear anything. It was a fall afternoon so it was a little chilly. You shoved your hands deeper into the pockets of your sweatshirt and hummed to the song you were listening to. (list your favorite song) You reached your driveway with time to spare before the big football game. You went up to your room and picked out dark skinny jeans and your high school sweatshirt and threw it on. You turned on your TV and laid down to watch, you fell asleep, what felt like five minutes but was actually 2 hours you heard a car honking in your driveway. You sprang up and looked out the window. Your best friend and your other friends were sitting in the car. "Come on, y/n, Hurry up we are going to be late!" She blasted the car horn again. You ran down stairs and hopped in the front seat sitting next to y/f/n. And you guys drove back to school.
"Lets GO (your schools name) Lets Go!" the crowd cheered along with the cheerleaders, you jumped around with your friends, chanting your schools name over and over and yelling as touch downs were scored. It was close to halftime and the clock counted down. The buzzer rang as the clock ran to 0, all of the players huddled and the crowd cheered. "So are you having fun, y/n" Your friend, y/f/n yelled to you. "Yeah i am really excited!" You yelled back to her."Told you this is better than sleeping!" Your friend yelled. You smiled and looked at the field. The crowd cheered louder and the band began to play as your team runs back onto the field. Your best friend cheered for her boyfriend and you were browsing at all the guys in their uniforms. The referee blew the whistle and your school started their play they made it to the 30 yard line and it was first down. They started their play again and made it to the 10 yard line. It started to rain. Your quarterback threw the perfect ball and scored a touchdown. The crowd cheered and the band began to play again. It went back and forth touchdown after touchdown when (your rival schools) line backer got hurt. The referee blew a whistle to call a time out and your team huddled.
You looked at the clock. Only 20 seconds left until the game was over, the score was tied 52-52. Your team breaked and started heading back onto the field in pouring rain. You cheered with the rest of the crowd as you watched the ball head right into the arms of number 11 on your school. He started running down the left side of the field and he made a touch down. The crowd cheered in excitement and watched the score go from 52 to 58 and the buzzer rang ending the game. The band played and the schools winning song played and everyone jumped up and down ad the football players took their helmets off and held them towards the audience. "Hey im going to go congratulate (your bff's bf name) and go grab some popcorn, do you want anything?" Your friend said getting up. "No im good but can i come with?" You ask. "Sure lets go!" Your friend said grabbing your hand. You guys walk down the bleachers and you wait by the gate for the football players to go back into the school. Your friends boyfriend came out and she hugged him and you just stood there. You shivered in the cold and said "i really should have brought a thicker sweatshirt" You stood there for a few minutes when someone came behind you and asked if you were cold.
You quickly turned around saw a good looking boy with Brown hair and Green eyes staring at you. You couldn't stop staring at his eyes even in the spotlights he was gorgeous. His hair was messy from his helmet and he looked amazing in the rain. You quickly got yourself together and smiled and said "um a little bit" You said looking at the ground. He gave you his sweatshirt and said "Im Nick by the way" he smiled a perfect smile. "Im y/n" You looked down at the sweatshirt. Number 11. You looked at him, "you scored the winning touch down!" You exclaimed. "I did" He said laughing. You guys talked for a bit when your friend said you had to go. "I gotta go" You said sadly. "That's cool, but can i get your number?" He asks you. You give him your number and he gives you his and walks towards the team and winks at you. You blush and jog to your friends. "Somebody has a crush on our halfback" Your friend says while driving. You look at the piece of paper with the 10 numbers on it which was Nick's phone number. "Yeah.." You say smiling. You suddenly realize you didn't give Nick his sweatshirt. "Relax, Nick is cool he will be fine with you keeping it, sounds like he likes you" Your friend smiles and pulls into your driveway.
You tell her bye and you walk into your house. Your wet converse shoes squeaking on the hardwood floor. You jog upstairs and grab your cell phone and punch Nick's number into your phone you type "hey" But then delete the message and think, 'do i want to text him this quickly, we just met' when suddenly your phone vibrates and Nicks number pops up on the screen with a message saying "hey(:" you smile at the message and you guys text for a few hours.
You guys realize you have a lot in common and you talk every day, except for the hour that he has practice but almost 24/7. One day you are laying on your bed when Nick texts you asking you if you are going to the playoff home game. You respond with a definite yes! He replies back 'awesome! ill be looking forward to seeing you there' You jump off your bed and find something to wear. You end up with Nick's sweatshirt and black jeans and 'UGGS'. You grab your phone, your car keys and you drive to the high school. You see your friend and you sit next to her and you guys laugh and cheer and have a really good time. The clock ticks down and your team is winning by a point. (your best friends boyfriend) throws a ball to Nick and he runs down the field when he gets tackled at the 25 yard line. You gasp and stand up and yell "Get up Nick!!" Your friend stands with you. Nick slowly gets back up and walks it off. The crowd cheers and Nick looks directly at you, you give him a thumbs up and he nods. The ref blows the whistle and they start playing. Nick gets the ball again and he charges at the defensive line. They score and Nick gives your besties man a high five. After the game you wait for Nick. You look around, a bunch of Freshman girls running around, Sophmores kicking back in the bleachers, your Junior class cheering as loud as they can, Seniors making the most of their year, parents cheering on the team, the band playing, people enjoying the playoffs. You look at the sky and it starts to rain. You sigh and wait anxiously for Nick. Nick comes behind you and hugs you from behind, you twirl around and say "how did you see me?" "well my last name is kind of on the sweatshirt" he says with a smile. " Good game out there" you say and you hug him, he hugs you and says "thanks, hey y/n, theres something i want to ask you" You look up at him, "sure what is it" "he blushes, "will you be my girlfriend?" You smile and say yes and you hug him. He lets go of you and he looks into your eyes. And he lifts your chin up and kisses you. You smile and wrap your arms around his neck and he pulls you closer. The rain bounces around you but there is no place you would rather be than this moment right now. You guys hug again and he takes your hand and walks with you back to the school. "I love you" he tells you. You smile "i love you too Nick"

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