The Sweet One

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Kian Lawley

A/N: PLEASE READ!!!  Kian Lawley is in fact a youtuber! he collabs with 4 other guys and the channel is called our2ndlife on youtube and his other channel is superkian13. He also has a vlogging channel called Kian Lawley so go check it out! I have a video on the right of him and his best friend Jc Caylen. And a picture of him also on the right so please watch the video before or after you read this!

How You Guys Met:

You're parents were driving you out to the airport. As nervous as you were, you were also very excited. This would be not only your first time flying alone, but also being out of state without your parents. You were going to visit some family in Arizona. It was a very exciting day. When you arrived at the airport, your parents helped you get your bags checked in, and walked you as far as they could. This was hard for them, you could see it in their eyes. You all bid your fair wells, and you set off, feeling a bit more grown up than a few minutes ago. You got through security easily, and found your terminal easily. Now the had part would be waiting. To try and pass time, you got on the internet, you got some food, you even read a chapter in your book. All that didn't kill a whole lot of time though. You decided to explore a little bit. Quietly, you placed your stuff in a corner, and just wandered around. As you were walking, your phone buzzed. Your mom had sent you a text, making sure you were okay. Since, you hadn't been paying attention, you bumped into someone. You looked up, and realized, not only was it a very attractive boy, but also that he had spilled his coffee. He just laughed it off, but you apologized quite a few times, and offered to buy him another coffee. He politely declined, but the two of you got to talking. Turns out you were both on the same flight! You even sat pretty near each other. 

After the flight, you found your family very quickly. After getting your bags you guys were heading out the door. Before you guys could actually leave, you heard your name being called. It was Kian! You went over to him, and the two of you switched numbers. 

How You Guys Started Dating:

Your stay was coming down to an end. You and Kian had been texting the entire time you were there. He guys wanted to hang out before your left, since your flight left a week before his. You guys decided on an aquarium. When the night came, he picked you up from your aunt and uncle's house, and you were off to the aquarium. 

All night you guys looked at all the sea creatures. Your favorite were the sea horses, and his were the clown fish. He bought you dinner at the restaurant in the aquarium, and after you guys finished, he lead you back to the shark tunnel. This was another one of your favorite parts, because it looked like you were under water with all the sharks and creatures. He stopped you in the middle of the tunnel, and you realized it was pretty much empty. He put your hand against the glass, and looked at you. You were too busy examining all the little fish to realize he was smiling while watching you. When you finally noticed, he started talking. "Y/N, I know we've only known each other for a couple of weeks, but I'm really starting to like you. You're just so beautiful, and amazing, and perfect. I know it would sort of be long distance, but I know we could make it work! Y/N, be my girlfriend?

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