Little Dove

30 4 16

There once was a little dove who just wanted paradise,
But fate was cruel and didn't play by the rules,
So it granted her a probable demise.
But the little dove was strong,
She fought through the wrongs,
But to what would she awake?

Born early, the little baby,
The dove fluttered into life.
Her mothered screamed,
This baby didn't breathe!
And to hell she'd go.

Hooked to sensors, wire, tubes,
The little dove was trapped.
Her dreams or paradise,
Were almost smushed flat.

At four weeks old,
The dove opened her eyes, to find,
The left one was gone!
Her parents again screamed,
The doctors gleamed,
And again to the cage she went.

Now six months old,
Life had took its toll,
This little dove cried.
Eye of blue, mask of hues,
They had already been given.
Then one day, this odd dove went,
Her eyes glowed, there was an alarm!
Her voice was forever spent!

Five years old,
The dove was alone,
Mommy and daddy left.
They said,
"This problem child couldn't be kept."
"You must give up!"
And the two parents wept.

In that cage of white,
The dove took flight,
Towards the gates of death.
The doctors watched,
Her eyes sparked,
And suddenly a raven was born.

The dove looked up to the heavens,
An angel of death was here.
It's cold green eye,
It's malicious smile,
Oh what could this demon be?
The dove, her small smile,
So innocent and young.
She took the creature's hand,
Now guardian and guarded,
They both flew to a new land.

There once was a little dove,
Where fate decided naught.
It chained her up,
Locked her to bed,
And forced her to shut up.

It chained her up,Locked her to bed, And forced her to shut up

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Drawing this hurt my eyes XD

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Drawing this hurt my eyes XD

Drawing this hurt my eyes XD

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