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The title has nothing to do with this chapter
Just experimenting
Also I have no more title ideas

The title has nothing to do with this chapterJust experimenting Also I have no more title ideas

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1) I don't know. What is love, what is life.
2) 红
3) I'm tall and that's all you'll know
4) I actually have no idea. Tiny
5) Often called black, but they're actually a dark brown
6) I can't remember. Probs recently
7) Being alone in an enclosed space with suspicious noises
8) Christmas songs. Sue me.
9) I don't feel like checking my message historyyy
10) My art program

Not tagging anyone bc I'm too lazy

Eyyy it's dose bois And a heck ton of aliens

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Eyyy it's dose bois
And a heck ton of aliens

Eyyy it's dose bois And a heck ton of aliens

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The friendly ship, Fox

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The friendly ship, Fox

The friendly ship, Fox

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Weird idea where Thorn ends up murdered than in the Mauvelock plot

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Weird idea where Thorn ends up murdered than in the Mauvelock plot. As a ghost, she then meets a bunch of weird ghost ladies and convinces them to help her get revenge against her murderer, spiteful spirit style.
Text is unrelated, just random stuff I scribbled down.

We Bare Bears made me more emotional than it should've

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We Bare Bears made me more emotional than it should've

And then basically the ghost thing but instead Thorn becomes a mythical fracking angel

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And then basically the ghost thing but instead Thorn becomes a mythical fracking angel. Sue me

And then there's these weirdos

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And then there's these weirdos

And then there's these weirdos

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