Lauren Hogwarts

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Lauren's blood ran down her head to her face. Her whole body was in blood. Her backbone was broken. There was no chance for her being escaped from Death. Her mother held her lifeless body and kept Lauren's head on her lap. She was crying and crying for she never understood why that happened.
After the funeral, when Lauren went to her real home, the grave, her mother went to her room and saw a pink coloured diary kept on Lauren's table. It said, 'My Secret Diary'. As tears ran down her cheeks, Lauren's mother opened the diary and had a view of whatever was written in that. There were loads of poems, stories and songs till she came to a page which said, '18th December 2010' This was the date when Lauren died. Her mother mustered courage and continued.............

18 December, 2010
Hey everyone, Lauren here! I would like to introduce by saying that I am 15 which is the toughest part of your life, the main teenage. Being a teenager is tough,especially for girls. So anyways, it was 18 December at 7:30 a.m. when my mom burst into my room saying, "Lauren! Lauren! Wake up.... or else I am gonna kick you off your bed. Wake up." "What is it mommy?" "What is it?! You are asking what is it? It is 7:30 and you are gettin late for school. You were to get up at 7. Your alarm did not rang? Or you closed it and slept again?" She turned crimson with fury. With a silly smile I said, "Oh yes! I had forgotten to put on the alarm as I studied till 2 a.m., as you wanted." "You lazy girl! Go and get dressed for school." Saying this, she went away. I thought that she will appreciate me for I studied till 2 as she wanted me to do so, but she.......... let it go! Since I was getting late for school, I got dressed in 2 minutes and 19 seconds. I went down to have my breakfast. Linda was at the kitchen table slopping together peanut butter, jelly and pickles to make a very disgusting sandwich. "Would you like me to make one for you, sister? It's yummy, see!" Linda said shoving her sandwich right in my face. I cringed at the slimy drippy mess........ "No thanks." "Come on, just take one bite. You'll love it!" Linda said, again. ", Linda." "Are you sure?" she again said. I just rolled my eyes at that girl. What part of the word 'NO' did she not understand. Anyways, Linda went to the fridge to got the juice box. I ate all the things I wanted and gathered my stuffs & was about to get out of the door, when Linda came charging at me like an angry baby rhinoceros in pigtails. She actually accused me taking her sandwich. And then, we started yelling at each other. After this war, I was nervous wreck and totally stressed out. I was forced to go to school.
At school, I was surprised that my new sweater got me so attention. As I was walking down the hall, practically everyone stopped and stared at me, even the guys. I felt just like a fashion model walking the runway. Even my friends were giggling and pointing at me and whispering to each other till Clara came & while laughing said, "Lauren have you just been eating out of the garbage again?" She pointed to my stomach. That's when I finally looked down at my sweater. Plastered across it was............... Linda's missing sandwich. The people were not staring at sweater but they were staring at those stupid sandwich. That day, my friends were not even looking at me. They were only flatterers. In my hard times, they are the people who laugh at me the most and never helped me. There was only one true friend of mine, Jenna. She immediately took me to the bathroom where she helped me clean the trash on my sweater. I felt so sad and embarrassed on what all had happened. Jenna was a true friend and I will never ever forget her helping hands.
When I returned from school that day, I was very hungry since I forgot to take my lunch box to school. I was eagerly waiting for my mother's call and not even a second after, "Lauren......" my mom called me. I went down to see that she was very angry. She said, "What have you done to Linda? How could you kill her teddy? I mean don't you know how much she loves her toys. Look at it." She showed me a brown cloth in her right hand and loads of cotton in the left one. Confused, I said, "Mom I don't know what you are talking about?" "Will Linda speak a lie?! She is so small that she doesn't know even the definition of lie. Now go away." I felt so sad, I cried in my room. I cried, cried and cried. Linda is such a drama queen...............ughhhhh!! I hate her. Then after a while, I heard my mom's voice, "Linda! Come and have your lunch dear. You must be hungry." I waited for my invitation. Fifteen seconds passed...........then 30 seconds............. then 60 seconds........... then finally 3 minutes passed away but mom did not called me. Why? Did I not came from school? Was I not hungry? Was I not her child? These questions kept on repeating in my mind. I was crying and crying. No one was there to help me.
After 2 hours I was so hungry that I was not able to control my hunger. I went downstairs to the kitchen and started to find something as my lunch. My mom came and said, "Lauren, where were you at the lunch time? Answer me!.......... Now be careful, I will never allow you to eat after the allotted time that is lunch or dinner!" I, with a feeling in me that I am the worst person, went to my room. I was thinking about the incidence when I was only 7.   I had made a picture, only for mom. I pasted it at the door of her room and went to her to tell her about that picture. I stood behind her and waited for her to turn. As she turned, I burst out, "B-O-O-M!" and she was shocked and all of the soup that she had prepared for the guests, spilled over her. "This girl, move away from here!" She said. She did not even realised that picture on the door. After some days, I myself threw that picture. After this incidence, I literally forgot to give her any gift. Be it her anniversary, her birthday or be it mother's day. I think it is one of the reason she does not likes me as much she likes Linda. Anyways, I was very sad. I was thinking about the people who are the only child of their parents. They are so lucky. Then, finally it was 4 p.m., time for bike riding. I and my sister went out for a ride on our bikes. On Linda's path was a little Rock lying due to which she could fall. She did not noticed it. It was no time for me to warn her so I pushed her from that path and that rock came under my bike.............. C-R-A-S-H..... We both fell down. Linda got hurt but even I got but it felt good, for I thought that now mom will appreciate me for I never pushed Linda intentionally. Yes she got hurt but not more than that hurt which she would get by slipping by that rock. "Hah! Saw that? You pushed me for nothing and therefore God punished you. You fell down too!" Linda said sticking her tongue out at me. As I went to pick that rock up to show her that I saved her from slippinh, I don't know why she ran away to the home. As we reached home, she burst out, crying, " Mommy! Mommy! Look, Lauren pushed me from the path while I was riding the bike and so I fell down and I got hurt....Look!" showing her gutted knee. "No mom......." I said as I was been interrupted by Linda, "After pushing she on her own fell down and when I told her that God punished her for she pushed me, she tried to hit me with a rock!" "No mom, I-I-I.......". "Hit you with a............ ROCK?! What in a world!! Are you really my daughter? I don't think so...... How dare you even thought of hitting her with a rock? Now you are GROUNDED!" my mom said. "But mom......please listen to what actually had happened......". "Shut your lying mouth and go get grounded for a week!" Saying this she went away with Linda to her room to cure her wounds. And what about my wounds? The wounds on my knee, elbow and heart. I went to my room crying and thinking why never she listens to me? Am I really a burden? Did I not got hurt? In fact, I got much more deeper and wider that Linda got. Mom did not even noticed it. I thought about my self. Who I really am? I questioned my self 'a burden' was the reply. My pillow turned wet with tears. After sometime, I heard the sound of someone climbing up the staircase and saying, "Daughter! Daughter!" It was mom. I was so, so happy that she finally realized that i was correct and was going to unground me but i was wrong. I did not heard all of her words. She said, "Daughter! Daughter! Linda, come down and have your dinner. Today I have prepared your fav meal. I have desert too that is chocolate pudding. Hearing these, mouse began to run in my stomach and I started feeling hungry. I waited for the call. Then there was a knock at the door. I opened the door to find a plate on the floor a handful of salad and tomato pasta (the dish I hated the most) Looking at the bad condition of the food, my stomach got full. Without taking the food I shut the door. I sat and thought of those golden days when Linda was not born, when I was only 5. How much my parents loved me..... a tear ran down my cheeks. It was then 11 p.m. and I thought to share my feelings with my diary. And now, it is 12 a.m., no sign of mom nor a sign of Linda. I am feeling so sad and my dream, at present, is to die......... Wait guys, I forgot that I have a balcony in my room. I can make my dream come true. So, mom, if you are reading this, I am sure you are must be crying, aren't you? Please don't cry. Always be happy. Don't tell Linda about the bike incidence or all of the reality that I am writing in the diary for she will feel guilty for herself. Forget all that had happened.
          OK, now I am leaving. Not leaving the diary but leaving the world.
Good bye......take care.

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