Five Days Before the Ball

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"What fabric do you want your dress to be made of, Princess Shazi?"

The palace's tailor gestured to her rack of fabrics. The material was autumn-based- reds, oranges, yellows, browns. Some had intricate designs while some were just plain.

Shazi stepped forward and ran her small hand through the cloth, eyes narrowed in concentration.

Queen Nikoletta took a step back as her daughter took a moment to study each individual fabric.

"I'm sorry to have given such short notice," Nikoletta said to the tailor, who sat at a nearby table writing measurements for Shazi's dress. "The party was a last-minute idea."

The tailor, Catalina, smiled and shook her head.

"No, don't be sorry. It isn't a problem at all. I enjoy making dresses for Princess Shazi, and her being so young and small means the dresses can be made faster," she explained. "Although, I do have one concern. I was taking measurements of the princess and I'be realized how small her hands are."

Nikoletta nodded as Catalina held up her list of measurements of Shazi's hands for bracelets.

"The ring is too big for her finger," Nikoletta said. "Caspar and I realized this and thought maybe you would have an idea as far as keeping the ring in her possession without wearing it?"

Catalina paused for a moment, then opened one of the wooden draws to the side of the table. After rummaging around, she pulled out a golden chain necklace. It had once held a gemstone, but after the gem broke the chain had been put in a drawer to be reused later.

"Do you think this will work?" Catalina asked. "It's not too bulky but it's study- it won't break while she plays."

"That's perfect, thank you," Nikoletta said. Catalina stood and set the necklace on the neck of the small cloth mannequin that would be used to fit Shazi's outfit.

"Princess, have you chosen a fabric yet?" the tailor asked, walking with the queen back over to the princess.

Shazi nodded and pointed to one of the cloths.

"The wed one with the gold leaves," Shazi specified as Catalina unhooked the fabric from the rack and held it up.

The fabric was smooth scarlet, with a band of gold at the ends and embroidered golden leaves. Catalina nodded approvingly.

"A very nice choice, Princess. Will it be okay to use this as the main fabric and add in some plain gold when necessary?" Catalina asked. Nikoletta could practically see the wheels turning in the tailor's head- Catalina was already planning out the details of the dress.

"Ooh, that'll be pwetty!" Shazi said excitedly. "I can't wait!"

"It will be beautiful, Princess, you have my word!" Catalina said with a smile. "I'll begin working immediately! If you want to check in on the progress every once in a while that would be great, so I know if anything needs changed," she told Nikoletta.

The queen nodded.

"I'll be sure of it. Well, now that we have the dress plans taken care of, Shazi and I must go meet with Caspar to check that the invitation notices were delivered. Thank you, Catalina," Nikoletta said. Shazi turned to the tailor and waved.

"Thank you!" she exclaimed before following her mother out the door, humming as she went along.

Catalina smiled- how could she not? Princess Shazi was like a crisp autumn breeze- wherever she went, she stirred things up, but in the best way.


"I hope the ball will work," Caspar said with a sigh.

The king and queen sat next to each other at a small table. Documents and quills scattered the tabletop- the paperwork that came along with be royalty seemed to be endless.

"It will," Nikoletta said confidently, reading over a trade notice with Cordell. "The people have been so on edge since Winter's defeat. Any sign of celebration will be welcomed."

Caspar nodded and glanced at the small red box at the center of the table. He hesitated for a moment, then picked it up and opened it.

Inside sat Autumn's conduit.

A ring, with a single gem surrounded by multiple teardrop jewels and other smaller gems, with a golden band. A very faint amber glow was emitted from the ring. When possessed by its proper heir, the glow would brighten. But for now, being so long without a female heir, Autumn's magic had grown rather docile.

"It's a shame," Caspar said quietly. "I want Autumn to have magic once more. I want to see hope in my people's eyes. But to have magic would mean for Shazi to grow up."

He looked at his daughter, who sat across the room in front of a crackling fireplace, quietly humming.

"We can't rush her," Nikoletta said quietly, taking her husband's hand in her own. "Autumn is the kingdom of steady change. Each day she takes a step towards becoming a proper ruler, but remember that a step each day is enough. For now, let us all enjoy her youth, before it slips away."

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