Chapter One

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August 23rd, 2011

7:45 AM


I put in my earphones and turned up the music. Blake and I just came back from our usual iHop run at 6:00 and headed straight to school. Music as my muse, I painted like I've never painted before on Mr. Zee's canvas. I let out every emotion I'd held inside of me. It was a major stress reliever, with everything that was on my mind. Blake sat there and watched the TV hanging from the ceiling. When I put my hands on my hips, thinking I'd finished, I saw Blake behind me staring at the painting. "Woah. That is... confusing in a beautiful way," Blake tried to compliment. He'd always understood what was in my mind, but my feelings were never understood, not even to me. "It's really not that great. I could probably do better if I knew exactly what I wanted to paint, but this is what it's like in my mind," I replied. He stared at the purples and blues and blacks, impressed. It looked like he was a bit confused. "Zarnoweic. Zar-NUH- wick." I heard Mr.Zee pronunciating his name down the hallway. That's when he walked in.

At first I wondered if I knew him but I'd never seen him in my life. His hair was blonde, his eyes were a unique green, skin a bit pale, and his body was- well, built. He was breathtaking.

"Evelyn? Are you okay?" Mr.Zee asked concerned. Without my answering he said, "This is Ethan Greenridge. He's a new student here and coincidentally, in your art class,"  My cheeks turned slightly pink because I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Ethan decided to roam his eyes around the room when I saw them halt. He was looking at my painting. 

"Did you paint this?" He asked. I managed to choke out, "Uhm, yeah." He looked at it, mesmerized. Blake bluntly spoke up and said, "Do you know what it means? 'Cause I don't at all!" Ethan carefully observed the photo and responded very slowly, gathering his words carefully.not taking his eyes off the painting, "The artist is trying to say that they're mind is strained... They're afraid to show people who they really are because they feel as if no one cares... Confused of what to think, what to say... Thinking no one will see them the way they want to be seen... That there are certain things, certain people that are sucking them in a dark hole that we know of as... reality."

Mr. Zarnoweic looked at him, grinning from ear to ear. Blake looked at him and muttered " Bull. Shit." I on the other hand, couldn't believe a word he had just said. When he finished he looked at the ground and then looked at me, frozen. His beautiful eyes gazed into mine, making my heart drop.

"Am I atleast, close?" He chuckled. I held my hand out hesitantly and said, "I'm Evelyn. Evelyn Romero."




8:30 AM

I sat in the corner of my homeroom class trying to put together what just happened. Why on Earth was I not able to speak? I'd never felt so nervous, shocked, and warm inside my stomach like that before. This has never happened and I hate it so much! Falling in love or even having a simple crush in high school is stupid. When he described my painting it was like he just explained my feelings I didn't even know I had. We sat in Mr.Zee's room and I told him all about Jackson High and we slid into talking about art and some subjects that had nothing to do with what we had said before it. It amazed me how intelligent and good looking he was. We had lost track of time and he had to leave to go somewhere and "switch up". I wasn't sure but the whole time it seemed like he was flirting with me? I mean, yeah he definitely was. But was he? I'm not sure...

I can't believe I'm over analyzing whether he was flirting with me or not. Oh, god he just walked in. Wait, did he change into that letterman jacket? A bunch of guys swallowed him into their group and became all rowdy and what not. I scanned the room and I saw Julia Anderson. Greaat. What an amazing coincidence.

"GUYS! Settle down, settle down!" Mr.Zee? What is he doing here? He looked at the group of guys and yelled, "SETTLE DOWN GENTLEMA- awh crud!"  I ran to his side and helped him pick up all of the loose papers that fell out of his briefcase. "Thanks, Evelyn," he whispered in my ear. I walked to the back of the room and sat down, where Julie's eyes followed me. 

"Okay, kids. You guys can talk amongst yourselves for the rest of the time being, do anything. BUT! If it gets too loud, I'll make you write in some of my art textbooks," he announced. I popped open my Sarah Dessen book, eager to see what really happened that night with Sophie and Annabel. "Get your nose outta that book and talk to some people in the real world." My head shot up, shocked, and I looked around to see who said that and if it was directed at me.

My eyes landed on Jacob Miller, or as I like to call him, douche who wont stop talking to me. I rolled my eyes under my glasses and ignored him. His hands slammed onto my desk, about a foot apart. "What're ya readin' there Evelyn?" He asked tauntingly. I really wish I could've vanished right then and there. "A book. Ever heard of one of those?" I sarcastically answered. His so called friends ooh'ed behind him. He lightly grinned. "That's all right... I like my girls feisty," he smiled. His friends started to scatter away.

"I don't like you. Get away from me," I icily said

"You know, there's this party and I think we could find a little private place where you can stop playing this charade in front of everyone..." he traced my arm with his finger seductively. 

"No one. Wants. To fuck you. Get it through your head." I said straight to his face then picking my book up when I finished.

"You know I could just go over to Julie the Virgin Goddess and convince her."

"Haha. Virgin? More like a doorknob. Now leave me alone, loser." I saw Ethan look over with amixed expression. I quickly looked away because my face was getting hot. Jake  turned around to see who I was looking at, and stupid as he is, he couldn't find him. Ethan strolled on over and spoke to Jake. "Hunter needs to talk to you," he said to Jake, not making eye contact with me. He completely ignored me and I was looking at him waiting to say something to me.

"What are you looking at, four eyes?" he stared at me. He chuckled then spoke to Jake saying," Why are you even talking to her when Julie Anderson is right across the room? " he said bluntly. Jake nodded and walked over to Julie and her friends, trying to act cool. Ethan laughed and went over to the group of guys. What the hell? Did he really just say that? I sat there with my mouth open wondering if that really just happened. I opened my book again, half shocked and half not surprised. Only four hours 'till lunch where I can see my best friend again... 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2011 ⏰

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