Your What???

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Alesa Pov
Hey Aph you here I asked as I saw her jump into a picture on the wall. Uh guys come here now!!!!! I can here Shelby coming up the start and here Unica yell what. Just come up here now! I yell to her as Shelby comes behind me. Alesa what's up and why are we at Aphmaus room? Oh yeah please don't think I'm crazy but Aph just walked into a picture. Alesa are on seeing stuff? We hear Unica asked as we see her coming up the stairs. I'm not seeing anything I know what I saw here let me see if I can ahhh.
Shelby's Pov
Here let me see if I can ahhh. Alesa!!!! Me and Unica scream out as we run into the picture as well. AHHHHHHHH!!!! We all scream as we get closer to the ground.
Aphmaus Pov
I get back to Phoenix Drop and change my clothes and grab my stuff and head to the gates. I can see my friends waving at me from the gate then I can here something yelling. I turn my head around to see Shelby, Alesa, and Unica falling onto some trees screaming. I ask for the guards to follow me as I start to run in their direction. We make it to them hanging in the tree they fell in. Are you guys ok, wait how did you get here huh besides that come on let's get you to our town, Garroth get Shelby the red head, Lanrance get Alesa she's in black, Travis help me get Unica. Yes lord Aphmau. They are say and get the girls down. After that they almost freak out but I explain what's going on and who I am here and who these three are. We get to the village and I thank the guys for the help and they head back tithe guard tower while we head to my house. We talk for the next few minutes then we hear a knock at the door to see Garroth and Lanrance there. Lord Aphmau there is a stranger at the beach. Garroth tells us and we look out the window to see a man with black hair and a white and purple jacket on. Hey guys dose that look like someone we know? I asked and we head down to see who it is and when we get closer we see its Jin?!?!?

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