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Ross's Pov
A couple days went by since we've have seen Sky come out of his room for what seemed like a year. Ever since the TDM problem, I have kept my ears and tail out more. We, as in me, Jin, and Barney have been hanging out with the girls more. I have been told by Shelby that I'm an expert at teaching, then the guys laughed. I woke up one morning feeling the fur on my tail fluff up, which meant something was wrong right now near me. I get out of bed and head down stairs, I wonder if I forgot my bow tie, who am I kidding half my shirts have a bow tie already on them and everything else is just grey. I get downstairs I can hear the door being open. I walk to the front door and see it was closed so I went into the kitchen to see three boxes on the island we had and the kitchen door open. I walk over to the island and see a note. It said: You guys will be happier without me being a pain. If you guys were to ever actually love me as family then you would hate me to know the truth. We all would be better if I wasn't here. Goodbye guys.
I look back up from the letter and run out the kitchen door." Sky!" I shout. I hear footsteps coming my way and turn around to see Jin and Barney at the door." Why are you shouting Sky?" Jin says." Dirt it's 7:30 in the morning." Barney says. They looked confused as I walked inside. I went over to the box that had my name on it after I handed Jin the note." He left." Jin says sadly." No that's bull let me see that." Barney says as Jin hands him the note. Jin then walks over to the box with his name on it." No." Barney says. He then walks to the middle box, me on the left and Jin on the right. We all opened the boxes and saw a note with a little box under it. I picked up the note and it read:
Ross, you were the sweetest kid I have known. I would do anything to keep you safe. You were like a little brother to me. Just think of this as a break from me for being a pest.
My eyes started to fill with tears. I then pick up the box and open it. Inside was a bow tie pin. I take it out of the box and press a button. It opens and inside was a picture of Me, Jin, Barney, Sky, and Max when Sky beat up that kid and got busted for three days. Tears fell from my eyes and I can here the other two crying as well.
Jin's Pov
I woke up to Ross heading downstairs stepping on every broad that creaks. I get up and head towards my door. Then I her Ross yell out Skys name. I thought he was in trouble or hurt so I ran out of my room with Barney following me. We get downstairs and head towards the kitchen door to see Ross standing there with a note in his hand." Why are you shouting Sky?" I ask." Dirt it's 7:30 in the morning." Barney says.He turned around and walked back in, with me and Barney confused. He then handed me the note in his hand, I then read it." He left." I say." No that's bull let me see that." Barney says as I hand over the note. "No." He say sadly. I walk over to the box that had my name on it then Barney did the same. My eyes were filled with tears, then we opened the boxes. Inside was a note and a small box. The note read:
Jin, you were the greatest friend I could ask for. We have been together since the first day I met you. Jin, just take this as a long break for me to not destroy anything of yours.
The tears fell from my eyes as I picked up the box. I open it to see a cat head box. I open it to see a picture of Me, Mitch, Jerome, Tyler, and Sky, when he first moved here. The tears came faster and I could hear the other two were crying as well.
Barney's Pov
I wake up to Ross yelling Skys name, so I woke up in a quick second. I ran out of my room with Jin in front of me. We make it downstairs and run into the kitchen to see the door open. Me and Jin make our way to the door to see Ross standing there looking towards the city with a note in his left hand." Why are you shouting Sky?" Jin asked." Dirt its 7:30 in the morning." I then say. Ross then walks back inside handing the note to Jin, a few seconds later he speaks." He left." " No that's bull let me see that." I say as Jin hands the letter over and walks over to one of the boxes on the counter like Ross. I read it and felt my heart break." No." I say sadly. I then walk to the middle box with my name on it. I could feel the tears but they weren't showing, I felt more mad that he didn't talk to us or anything, he just left. We three then open up the boxes. Inside was a note and a small box. The note said:
I'm sorry Barney, you're probably thinking " why didn't I talk to you guys" well that's because if I did you, well let's say we will never see each other again. I never told you but back at the hospital I did hear what you said and I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you this sooner, but as it goes if you love someone or something you set it free, so I went so you can take care of the guys and not worry about the screw up that's me. I love you more then a friend. Goodbye.
My tears fell onto the note. I picked up the box and open it. Inside was a heart necklace/locket. I open the locket to see me and Sky, he was kissing my cheek. The picture was taken back in the first year of high school, with me, him, Jin, Ross, and Red. The other three dared us to kiss, so as Sky he did, and one of them got a picture. I look back up to see the other two looking at pictures. I put the necklace on and head back upstairs. I get changed and pack a bag of camping stuff, water, and food. I walk back downstairs to see Jin and Ross standing there confused." I'm going to go get him." I say then walk out the kitchen door without letting them answer.
Sky's Pov
It was 7 in the morning and I had got everything ready. I wrote the last note and put it on the counter. I open the kitchen door, then I hear the floor broads. I look back inside, hesitate then run. I run towards the forest that was behind our house. I make it to the edge of the forest before Ross shout my name. I run into the forest and don't stop until I feel the wolf in me come out. I change into the wolf, my pack on the floor. I pick it up with mouth and run to find a den. Two minutes later I find a deb and put my pack down. I walk out of the den and go hunt. I had my lunch after an hour of hunting. As I was walking someone was calling my name. I look around and follow the voice. When I finally get to who was shouting I saw it was Barney. I place my food down and howl. It catches his attention and he stares at me." I-I don't want any trouble sir." He say shakily. I turn my face left to show him my eye and bow. He nods his head and walks away. I turn back and get my food and head back to my den. I eat my dinner right outside my den. After I finish I head inside the den and take a nap. About an hour later I pop my head up and walk outside. I sniff the air and looks towards the sky, to see a storm was coming, and it was going to be big. I have to find Barney and get him to safely.

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