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It's been three days since Katie and Odessa's deaths. Quinn and I have been doing little but going through the motions in order to remain relatively stable. We cook, we clean, we sleep. That's been virtually all we've done. Although I tire of this moping around, mourning every waking moment. I want reparations. I sent a letter to Nyx as well. I'll meet her back at her flat tonight.

I can only hope it doesn't turn out in another failing assassination attempt. Although I feel I may have scared her and Eris into blindly obeying. I can only hope at least.

Quinn still mopes around. Digging through the pantry he prepares himself a peanut butter, jelly, and cheeto sandwich. Yet another one of his odd concoctions. I haven't questioned any since I saw him add ketchup to soup. I don't trust his soup.

• • •

Venturing out into the cold frigid air once again. I make my way to Nyx's floor, concealing my other attire in a bag slung across my side. I can't deny that I don't have a death wish but I'm not that much of a suicidal wreck to walk around in my mask.

Once I step inside I quickly throw on my mask, till now ibe just been dodging the cameras. I knock at the first door on the third floor. I remember Eris saying he owns the building but they almost specifically live on this single floor. Well, I guess I know they're funding comes from him.

"Hello!" Nyx cheers as she swings open the door. "Come in, come in." She ushers me inside. "To explain why I came so suddenly; I'm going to elimate the Hunters." I state bluntly, each word as sharp as a sword, cutting deep and precise, the motion ever so calculated. "You mentioned so before but do you mean soon?" Eris retorts. "I mean now." I reply tepidly. "To be more specific if I must, I'm attacking right this moment. There's a small set of explosions set in one of the subsiding institutions for trainees." Their mouths wide, gaping with disbelief. I admit I may have gone a bit overboard before I came but I'm still morning. No better way to deal with grief than with a few fireworks. Or actual fires.

We sit in silence till roughly five minutes pass. A rippling crack shoots through the city as not more than four miles away flames engulf the night sky in an orange glow. The two left gawking at the sight turn to me; shocked, terrified, admiringly, perhaps a combination of the three. "How..." Nyx asks in a faint airy tone still filled with uncertainty. "It's a secret, my dear." I tease. Truthfully, the institute has rather poor security and throw in some shameless flirting to some perverted guards and it's not as difficult as one might think to gain access to some more valuable areas.

A reflected image of the destructive display outside the window plays out before us. I can only watch in distorted amusement and delight. It was no where near a critical blow to the Hunters but nonetheless a warning of what is to come.

Screams fill the streets beneath as panic snakes it's way into the onlookers heads, distilling fear and disgust as they can only watch the event unfold. "From here on out it is war between us and the Hunters. So I ask you this now and only this once, will you join me?" My voice unwavering despite the eerie silence I have now broke.

"I offered my support before. Even though I had turned on you so quickly before, it was only out of fear. I acknowledge my grave mistake and pledge my life to your service. I hereby hand you full control over my army." Nyx says in awe. "Nyx, don't be rash!" Eris hisses. "I know what I'm doing! You obey my order still! I found better leadership for them under the Phantom. I see that she can lead us to greatness." She barks. "I appreciate your devotion. I will lead this army to glory and bravado. The Hunters will bow to us." I assure Eris. Slightly more contempt he mutters, "I will spread word of the change in command to The Black Dogs immediately then." Hm, Black Dogs? I can't say I'm fond of the name. I've always detested dogs. But I won't be caught up in a fuss over something so trivial as a name. I have an army and that is what matters. Jade and Quinn are now the only ones left that I need to turn over to my side.

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