10. Insomnium

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An empty Cheeto bag crumpled in his hand, Midas quietly let himself in the house.

His home was a seemingly normal house in the suburbs. One had to go into the building to find out that it had been specially modified.

    Upon entering, Midas met another door, but this one was solid metal. He pressed a hand on the palm scanner next to the door, leaving a slight orange, Cheeto-esque smudge on the panel. The door slid open and Midas stepped through the entrance, which closed behind him.

The house was dark and quiet. For a moment, Midas wondered if the man who owned the house was even home. Suddenly, a house keeper rushed forward.

"He's in the study," she whispered urgently. "He said he wanted to speak with you as soon as you got home. He's not happy."

N o t h a p p y a t a l l , m y b o y .

Midas flinched as he heard the calm voice fill his head. The house keeper had heard nothing, but knew by Midas' expression, and her own experience, what he was hearing.

"Better hurry," the woman urged, giving him a sympathetic look. Midas nodded quickly and left to find his guardian.

The entire house was decorated with dark wood and costly paintings, none of which had been purchased legally. Some had not even been purchased at all. Price didn't matter when it came to the man who hoarded all these things; he could take anything he wanted from anybody simply by asking.

Midas finally reached the dark, ebony door that lead to the study. He reached a hand out to the door knob, but hesitated. His hands shook.

I k n o w y o u ' r e o u t t h e r e . I c a n h e a r y o u .

Heart racing, Midas fought the urge to run. Instead, he whipped open the door to face the man the world called Insomnium. Few knew his real name, Finn Pierce. Midas was one of those few.

    The man stood behind a large desk, gazing out a window.

    "Come in," Pierce said. His voice was deep and soothing, but Midas knew better than to allow the voice to put him at ease.

    Midas entered the room, closing the door behind him. Trying to control his breathing, he walked over to the desk and stood across from Pierce.

    "Have a seat," Pierce ordered, not looking away from the window.

    "I think I'll stand," Midas replied.

    "I said have a seat," Pierce hissed.

    Midas gasped for breath as all of his muscles suddenly stiffened painfully. He watched, horrified, as his body began to move out of his own control. He was controlled by invisible strings, and was forced to sit in the chair next to him. Only after he was seated, did the stiffness leave him and control was granted to him again.

    Pierce finally turned around. He was immaculately dressed in a suit and tie, looking every bit the business man he considered himself. He looked at Midas disapprovingly through dark sunglasses as he sat down at the desk. He was silent for a moment.

    "Why don't you tell me about your day?" Pierce finally said.

    Midas knew he didn't have to say anything as he felt all of the thoughts in his head get looked through and examined, like someone rummaging through a clothes dresser and not bothering to put anything back in its place. It was an uncomfortable feeling he knew all too well.

    The rummaging stopped at last, but Pierce still hadn't said anything. It was difficult to read his expression; his face gave nothing away and his eyes were invisible behind his glasses. Midas waited anxiously for him to say something, anything.

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