Suprise Suprise

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Kenny P.O.V.
So, I have been planning this suprise for the whole family for a while now. No one knows about it. I hope they will like it though. I called Denim, Diezel, and Kaely so we can have a family meeting.

Kenny: *sits on the couch* Everyone, family meeting!

All: *comes downstairs*

Toni: Ken, what is it?

Kenny: You will see.

Aaliyah: Dad, is this very important?

Kenny: Yep. I have planned that we all go to the Bahamas tomorrow for vacation and family time. You can take 1 person.

Toni: Ken, I have work to do tomorrow. Like, I have to practice for my shows and I have to go to New Y-

Kenny: Can we all just have some family time together?

Toni: Ok, I'll call my manager and tell him.

Peyton: Yay, I'm calling Jasmine. *gets up and goes to her room*

Aaliyah: I'm about to call Lucas.

Kenny: No, you can't take Lucas. You know I don't like him.

Aaliyah: Why can't I? You said we can invite 1 person

Toni: You did say that thought Ken.

Kenny: Fine, I'm watching him though.

Aaliyah: Yay. *goes upstairs and calls Lucas*

Denim: I can't think of anyone.

Toni: It's ok Denim.

Denim: I guess.

In Peyton's Room

Peyton: Jasmine, my dad told our family that we are going to the Bahamas tomorrow and I can invite 1 person. I want to invite you!

Jasmine: *screams in the phone* This is going to be so much fun! I have to ask my mom first.

Peyton: Ok. *waits for Jasmine*

Jasmine: She said I can't go. Our family has a trip already planned.

Peyton: Aww. Well, I can't think of someone else. Liyah is taking some guy named Lucas. Oh, and yesterday, Lucas is Tre older brother.

Jasmine: I didn't know that. I have an idea. You can take Tre.

Peyton: Heck to the no. Didn't I tell you he was a thot.

Jasmine: Just try. His brother is already going anyways.

Peyton: Fine. I'll ask him.

Jasmine: See, he may not be a thot after all.

Peyton: You don't know that.

Jasmine: *laughs* Bye. *hangs up*

Peyton: *goes in Aaliyah room* Liyah.

Aaliyah: *laughs at Lucas on the phone* Really Lucas.

Peyton: *speaks louder* Aaliyah.

Aaliyah: Wait one second Lucas. *puts hand over the phone* What do you want Peyton?

Peyton: Can you ask Lucas if his brother Tre can come? I want to invite him.

Aaliyah: Ok. *tells Lucas* He said he can come.

Peyton: Ok, that's all I had to ask.

In Ken and Toni's Room

Kenny: I wonder who Peyton is taking.

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