Love Shoulda Brought you Home

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Kenny P.O.V.
It's been a few days since Toni caught me cheating. She told me to leave the house and I just got an apartment. I want to tell her I'm sorry, but she won't listen. She's been ignoring all of my calls.  I can see why though. Today, I went over to her house because I wanted to see Peyton and Aaliyah.

Kenny: *knocks on the door*

Aaliyah: *opens the door* Hey dad.

Kenny: Hey Liyah. Where's Peyton?

Peyton: I'm here. Just watching tv.

Kenny: Oh. *comes in* What you guys been doing lately?

Aaliyah: Nothing really. Just working and on my grind.

Kenny: On your grind?!?

Aaliyah: Dad, it means working hard.

Kenny: Oh. *sits down* Peyton, how was that report card? I know it came out yesterday.

Peyton: *gives him her report card* I got all A's and one B.

Kenny: That's great, but you need to pull up that B in math.

Peyton: I know. It was just like 3 points away. She be tripping.

Kenny: It's ok. Still proud of you. So...where's Toni?

Aaliyah: *changes her tone* She's been in her room most of the time lately....

Peyton: Yea, I showed her my report card hoping she would cheer up, but she wasn't...

Toni: *comes downstairs* Aaliyah, who's at the do- *sees Kenny and looks down* Oh.

Kenny: *gets up* Hey...

Toni: *takes her wedding ring off and throws it at Kenny* Take it. I don't want it anymore. *goes back upstairs*

Kenny: *picks it up and looks at it* I fucked up...*sighs and sits down*

Aaliyah: Yea, you did. Dad, can I ask you something?

Kenny: What is it...

Aaliyah: Why would you do that to mom? *looks at him*

Kenny: I-it was a mistake...

Aaliyah: *raises her voice*  You knew she loved you. You didn't love her or something?

Kenny: I do love h-

Aaliyah: Then why would you do it then? She needs you here. WE need you here. Your love should have brought your ass back here!
Kenny: Little girl, who are you getting loud with?

Aaliyah: I'm fucking 18! I'm not a little girl anymore!

Kenny: Well you're sure acting like one!

Aaliyah: You wouldn't know if I was acting like a little girl because you didn't raise me! You let them kidnap me!

Kenny: *widens his eyes and looks away*

Peyton: Stop it! You guys are making things worse than it already is. Mom is already mad at you dad. Please just leave.

Kenny: Fine. *gets up and leaves*

Peyton: *looks at Aaliyah* You didn't have to say that to him. He didn't let them do that to you.

Aaliyah: *sighs*

Peyton: *goes upstairs*

Toni P.O.V.
I was just in my room laying down crying. This just needs to be all over. I heard Aaliyah and Kenny arguing about something.  I couldn't hear most of it because of my loud sniffles. After the argument, there was silence. Someone had came knocking on the door.

Toni: Who is it?

Peyton: Peyton.

Toni: You can come in...

Peyton: *comes in and sits on the bed* Hey...

Toni: Hey. What happened downstairs?

Peyton: Dad and Liyah were arguing.

Toni: What we're they arguing about?

Peyton: You. I recorded it.

Toni: Why recorded it?

Peyton: It's a lot of stuff. *let's her listen to it*

Toni: Oh...*sniffles*

Peyton: I hate this stuff going on...

Toni: Yea...I don't want to talk about it right now.

Peyton: You will eventually.

Toni: No. I'm not. *lays on her side*

Peyton: *goes in her room*

Toni P.O.V.
Kenny has been calling me and I just been ignoring them. I don't want to talk to that bastard. As I was watching tv, Towanda called.

Towanda: Hey Toni!

Toni: Hello....

Towanda: What you, the kids, and Ken been up to?

Toni: Nothing...

Towanda: Why you sound all sadish? What's wrong?

Toni: You can't tell mommy or the other sisters.

Towanda: I won't, now tell me.

Toni: *sighs* He cheated...

Towanda: HE CHEATED?!?!?!?!

Toni: Please be quiet.

Towanda: Nobody at my house. Brooke at her friend house and Braxton at his dad house.

Toni: Oh.

Towanda: Who he cheated on? When you found this out?

Toni: It was when you guys left the dinner. I was going to ask him why he's been acting different lately. When I was going to him, I saw him kissing Mariah in the bathroom. *starts to cry again*

Towanda: Toni. Now you better stop crying. And acting different lately?

Toni: He was coming home late and smelling like perfume and stuff..

Towanda: *shakes her head* Toni, those were clues that he was!

Toni: I know, but I was on tour and I thought they were just busy with the album.

Towanda: I'm not going to tell, but they going to suspect something when we go on this trip.

Toni: I hope not. *sniffles* He came over today and Aaliyah and him had gotten into an argument.

Towanda: About?

Toni: Me. He called her a little girl and she said she wasn't. Then he said she was acting like one. All of a sudden, she said, "You wouldn't no if I acted like a little girl because you didn't raise me. You let them kidnap me."

Towanda: Woah.

Toni: I know she was mad at him and I'm pissed as hell at him, but she didn't have to say that...

Towanda: I know Toni...well, I have to go pick up Braxton and Brooke. I'll probably come over tomorrow.

Toni: Ok. Bye.

Towanda: Bye. *hangs up*

Toni: *lays back in bed and cries herself to sleep*

Hey guys! Happy New Year's Eve! Do you think Aaliyah was wrong for saying that to Kenny? Do you think this trip to Brazil will settle Toni and Kenny's relationship? Find out in the next chapter!!! ALSO, I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING. I was thinking about writing another Toni Braxton book. This book will be about her long lost child. I'm not giving too many details about it.💀 Bye!
-April J.😘

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