Chapter 3

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I woke to a pounding sensation on my arm. The blankets around me were soaked a deep red color. Carefully, I pulled up my sleeve and looked at the two teeth-sized holes in my arm, blood gaping from the wound.

It was 8:30am on a Tuesday morning. I must've slept through all my alarms, because as soon as I woke, I heard banging on my door. "Katherine get up! You're late for school!"

I groggily stood up and tried my best to hid the blood stained sheets. Admitting defeat, I threw some new blankets over the entire bed. Good enough.

After I wrapped my arm the best I could, I headed off to school.


Jackson was walking down the otherwise empty hallway, getting further and further from where I stood.

"Hey! You!" I ran, or more like hobbled with my 5 million pounds of books, towards him.

"Do I know you?" He turned around to face me.

"Uh yeah I'd say you know me pretty well. How could you forget what you did to me?" I rolled up my sleeve, as if to prove I knew what I was saying, but nothing was there. Nothing. The bite marks had mysteriously disappeared.

In response, Jackson looked at my arm and furrowed his eyebrows. "Uh okay. Got to go..." He walked away, leaving me staring wide-eyed at the nonexistent wound.

Dylan spotted me. "Hey Kat! Feeling better, I see?" He strolled over to me and looked at my arm, and the gauze in my opposite hand.

"Yeah. Was just tired I guess. Hey, I have to get to class. I'll see you later." I followed Jackson down the hall and to his class. I stood by the door and waited for the period to end.

The bell rang, and students came piling out of the classrooms. I lost sight of Jackson in the hall. "Jackson?" I grabbed some random kid's arm and looked at his face. "Oh. Uh...sorry." I blushed, slightly embarrassed, and continued my search.

Finally I found him. Those glimmering blue-green eyes weren't hard to miss. "I need to talk to you. Right now." I put on my semi-serious look and crossed my arms.

"Yeah. Fine. Will that shut you up?' He lead me to an empty classroom. "What do you want?"

"I have a few questions. Well maybe more than a few."


"Why did you bite me? Where those fangs in your mouth? Do I even know you? What were you thinking just biting me like that? How does one even bite someone like-"

"Woah. Calm down. One question at a time. I bit you because I had to. Can't really explain why. It's too complicated for you to understand." He looked down.

"You expect me to be okay with that?! That does nothing!" I got angry.


"Don't call me that!!!" I lunged at him, claws piercing the edge of my fingers. Fangs appearing in my mouth.

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