The Accident

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I told you all I'd write again, and here it is. I hope you all enjoy. Thank you for your patience everyone. It means a lot. I have a direction I'm going with this again, and I have the motivation to write. Thank you all so much. (Especially all of you who reached out to me. It means a lot.)

And I'm curious to know, when did capes/cloaks go out of fashion? Those things are awesome.

Ruby sat on the edge of her bed looking at the many pictures that sprawled across the walls of her small bedroom. She smiled as she relived the memories that each frame held. She found it hard to pick a favorite, but the picture that meant the most to her was the one of her, Yang, and her parents standing on a pier on a sunny day. Her father was holding her close, and both and her mom looked truly happy. Their relationship had never been too perfect, and Ruby had been kept up many nights by their shouting, but they both looked truly happy to be together in that moment. Even though they all looked so delighted to be together in this picture, no other joyful memories came to her. All she could think of were her parents funerals. She could barely remember all of what happened, but she did remember waking up in a hospital bed with yang crying next to her. All that followed faded into one lost memory. Ever since then she had only had her sister Yang. The rest of her family had basically disappeared over time, as all of the relatives that had seemed so close grew increasingly distant from her and her sister after the accident. Ruby felt the tears beginning to come, and she held a pillow tight as she began to cry. She had been distracted from the accident lately, and she was very thankful for it. Weiss had made her feel the best she can ever remember being.

Ruby woke up the next morning, still clutching the pillow to her. She sat up in shock as she noticed the time, before realizing that it was a Saturday. She really liked her job, but the early hours had always annoyed her. Ruby rubbed her eyes and brushed the stray hair out of her face, and began the struggle of getting out of bed. She stood up, missing the warmth of the blankets and made her way down the hall to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and brushed her hair behind her ear. Ruby had always been called pretty, but she never really saw it in herself. She just saw herself as average, and she was beyond surprised when she found out that someone as beautiful as Weiss found her attractive. Ruby was in love, and she was sure she was. She had Weiss on her mind almost every moment of the day, and she always felt at home whenever Weiss was around. Ruby had never dated anyone before, but she knew that this had to be love. Ruby turned on the shower and began to get undressed. As she stepped into the shower, she could only think that she wanted Weiss to be there with her. In the time that she had spent with her, Ruby's desire for her company had increasingly grown. As she finished her shower, she was determined to ask Weiss to spend the night with her tonight. She didn't particularly mean it in the sexual way either, she just wanted to hold Weiss close to her and fall asleep with her in her arms. Ruby would be fine if anything more happened, but she was certain that an event like last night's would not happen if Weiss was with her.

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