Chapter one: Feelings we have no use for

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Castiel's POV *

Ever since I'd fallen and decided to become a hunter, me and Dean have become closer. Being as I don't have much experience with the human race , I don't really understand what this means. I know when I'm with him I feel safe, and calm. I also know when I attempt to make conversation my heart rate speeds up - which I'm not quite sure is normal- and I develop a peculiar feeling in my stomach. I did not think it was a good idea to bring up this matter with the winchesters so I decide to search Sam's computer instead. According to the Internet, this feeling is described as a "crush", from what I have gathered, this can accumulate into love. When I was an angel I always seemed to think Dean and I had a more profound bond then most, however, "love" I am not sure about. Although, now that I think about it, maybe this is a "crush", as one would say. I seem to have most of the symptoms of this disease. There is so much I don't understand about being human and I don't particularly enjoy it. I have a lot of questions. Such as, how do I know when I am hungry, how do I know Dean feels the same way, how do I know Sam would approve of my feelings for Dean? Not to mention, my "people skills" are "rusty". I have decided to continue my research on the topic of "love". I have been considering speaking to Dean about my sickness but I would like to know more about it first.
Dean's POV *

Here I am again, it's friggin' 2am and instead of sleeping I'm thinking about Castiel. I don't know why or what this is I just know I have this feeling when I'm with him and when I think about him. It's hard to explain it. I've never felt like this with all the one night stands. When I think of cas I feel the way I do for Sammy but in a different sort of way. I care about cas and I don't want anything to harm him, I want to protect him, I want to be there for him, but I also smile more when I'm with him. I've only been this confused about my feelings one other time in life. Her name was Madeline, she was the prettiest girl in 7th grade and I really liked her. I have a feeling that what I feel with cas isn't a crush though, It's the real thing. I'm in love. Woah. I need to stop saying things like that. Cas is a guy, guys don't like guys. Well obviously that's just a bunch of crap because I'm not a complete idiot I know what I feel. It's just- even if I know what I feel, how do I know cas feels it too. How do I know Sam won't hate me because I think I'm in love with another dude. Yes. Cas is a guy. I'm a guy. What does that mean for me? Am I gay? It's either gay or straight there's no in between. There's not a word for liking both guys and girls is there? I don't know, but I bet I can sneak Sam's computer for research.


Sam's POV *

Cas is a human now and it's been great having him around 24/7. Although, I've noticed some changes with him and Dean lately. They've both been acting kinda strange around each other. I think my suspicions are becoming true. Dean's my brother, I know him pretty well. I know him well enough to know that his relationship with cas isn't just a "more profound bond". I just which he would come out of the damn closet all ready. There has been times where I want to grab Dean and yell at him to admit that he loves cas. The same goes for castiel. I mean, I'm a little more lenient towards him since he just became human but still. Both of them need to just wake up and realize their feelings for one another. Anyway, I was doing research for a case in Indiana and I happened to see my browser history. Apparently someone has been looking up different types of sexuality. I'm talking LGBTQ+ community. Another someone has been researching "the sickness love". I've come to an official decision. If these two won't declare their feelings for each other I'll do it for them.
A/N: How did you like the first chapter? Thanks to AhShucks i decided to follow through on an idea I had.

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