Chapter 2 - Hoping

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*alarm rings on a Saturday morning*

Thank God it's Saturday today. I got my phone and tweeted "jwu". It means 'just woke up' so that people can start tweeting you and mentioning you.

It seems like it's a cold morning. I'm wearing a long sleeves top and a pajama. I opened the window to see several kids playing outside. How can they even survive the coldness? I miss being a kid. Allie and I used to play outside as well. Oh how I miss those days.

I quickly ran down the stairs for breakfast. In my surprise, our breakfast today seems so yummy. Bacon. Hotdog. Egg. Sandwich. This is perfect.

"Good morning sweetie!", mom said.

"Morning mom.", I said and kissed her cheek. Dad's still asleep. He's really got a lot of work.

"What's with today mom? This day seems to be really special. Breakfast is so yummy."

"Have you forgotten?", mom asked with a worried look, but smiled afterwards.

What seems to be the occasion? Oh yah! It's mom and dad's anniversary!

Dad went down and I kissed him too.

I saw him kiss mom so now is the right time to greet them.

"Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!!", my sister and I greeted them. Oh yah. I haven't introduced my sister yet. Okay soo I have a sister. Her name's Rein. Rein Washington. She's younger than me by 4 years. So she's just a Freshman.

I went upstairs to bathe. While taking a bath, my phone rang.

"You're so pretty when you cry, when you cry. Wasn't ready to hear you say goodbye..."

It continued until the song finished. After I put my clothes on, it rang again.

I wore floral leggings and a white lose shirt. And when I answered the phone, Allie was screaming.

"Allie what the heck is your problem?!!" I shouted.

"I just checked the new challenge this morning. They said that we have to look for their look alikes. It's either a plant or an animal. It doesn't really have to be a person though." she said in an excited tone.

Hmm.. I need to find Harry a look alike.

"Wait. I'll go ask my dad if the Wi-Fi's fixed. I'll just get my laptop. Let's talk through skype." I said.

I quickly ran down the stairs. I asked my dad and he said yes. Great job dad! So I got my laptop and turned it on. I  turned the call off and called Allie through skype.

I got my phone and tweeted 'jftab' which means 'just finished taking a bath'

Oh great. Harry's online.

I need to do something so that he could notice me.


Hi sorry if this chapter sucks but for the next chapter I'll try making it better and for Harry's tweets in this story, let's just pretend he really tweeted that. And by the way, sorry for the short chapters. yay


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It started with a tweet. (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now