Chapter 3 - Not the day

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Now I'm looking for Harry's look alike in the internet. Oops! Oh yah, That's not allowed, I think.

I guess my dream of meeting them won't really come true. I'm still talking to Allie here through skype. She's been telling me a lot of things and I'm not really paying attention.

"I have to go and do my homeworks. Bye bestie!", she said and quickly turned the call off. I didn't even have time to say goodbye to her. Oh well. That's Allie. What do you expect?

Since I was bored, I just went to Twitter. It's really boring when you'd done all your homeworks in one night. I even forgot my History book at school! I have this Math homework that should be submitted tomorrow, Monday but I haven't even started.

I logged in and saw Harry tweeting. OMG. I think this is the day. He should notice me by now. But how would he notice me if my profile's a mess?

I quickly changed my icon and I looked for the best picture I could have. But, I think I don't have one.

My curly hair is really a mess. I also have these big glasses. I'll remove them for a while.

10 minutes later...

I finally caught the best picture! Maybe after 47 tries? Okay. Now, I'll set my header to the best picture of Harry Styles. And I successfully did it. I actually have 140 followers only. I don't really care. As long as Harry would notice me.

Oh great. Harry went offline.

I really took a lot of time in designing my profile. I should've just taken the best. Now, I have to delete all my failed selfies.

My chance is still not today. I think I should just wait for 1D Day. But, how? First, I didn't have a video for our invention, but we sent the picture. Second, I can't find something that looks like Harry. And third, he'll never notice me on Twitter.

I will still try my best. I really envy the other Directioners because they're being noticed by the boys and I'm still remaining as L0/5ER. If you get what I mean. Some people even get a YE5/5. They're also always tweeted by them.

But. How 'bout me?

So I just continued tweeting and tweeting and tweeting.

This dream turns out to be a never.


I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm really sorry for typos and stuff but when this fan fic ends, I hope you loved the story. There will still be a lot of chapters so don't worry about it. I hope you can COMMENT, VOTE, & FOLLOW!

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