Chapter 14: Caught In a Crossfire

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Here it is after a long time. Have fun guys <3


"Drive left" Hoseok said and Yoongi turned the wheel.
But just as he passed the corner, he stopped the car. In front of him was a wall of creatures, wandering and walking around an empty place.
Fences were broken down, tents were torn and ambulances were standing there, too.
Jimin stared at the huge amount of creatures which were slowly but surely surrounding them.
"What happened here? Why are here so many of them?"
Yoongi locked the doors and carefully drove on, as slowly as possible.
Of course he drew their attention with the car, but the most of those things were rather slow. Jimin stared outside the window.
"Do you see that?" he whispered and heard how Hoseok had to swallow.
They saw.
They saw blood, they saw dead bodies and they saw everything that got shattered.
"Listen" Yoongi said.
"Those are too many, I don't know how I should drive through this mass without letting them break my car"
"I thought this car can't be broken" Hoseok mocked and had to shiver as he saw a dead body of a woman. Empty eyes staring into the endless depths of the sky, a baby jumper laid to her feet.
Hoseok had to look away.
"We have to look if Taehyung and Jungkook are here" Jimin said and looked next to him. His nail gun was there, together with all the other stuff Yoongi had gave them.
"Are you fucking nuts? Have you been looking outside lately?" Yoongi huffed and drove on without bringing up to much attention to them.
"But we can't just drive through this!" Jimin was upset and wanted to leave the car.
"Oh no, you stay here" Hoseok held his arm and pulled him back onto his seat again.
"You won't go outside alone and let yourself get caught"
"But what if they are hiding here and can't escape?"
"What if they weren't even here?" Yoongi growled and stiffened his grip around the wheel.
"We can't just get out the car and wander around this place. There are these fucking monsters outside that can rip your throat open without a blink. We don't even have an evidence that they were here!"
Jimin bit his bottom lip.
An awkward silence approached their car, the only audible sound was the rattling of the motor and the groaning of those things outside.
"Alright, great, then let's risk our lives and look after them"
Jimin's lips curled up into a thankful smile. "Thanks, I-"
"No. Whatever you want to say, no. Listen to me. Hoseok, you stay with me in the car. Jimin, you go out. In the second you step out of the car I will drive fast enough for you to run away and hoot as much and as loud as this thing can. When they will follow me you hurry the fuck up and go and look for them. I will drive a few rounds and come back immediately after I manage to get them away from you as much as possible. You will get your ass over here then, get into the car and we drive on to Busan, no matter what is coming, alright?"
The youngest had to swallow before he nodded.
"Alright" Yoongi nodded. "Do you have your nail gun and your slingshot with you?"
"I got the slingshot in my backpack, the nail gun's here"
"Good. I will stop the car now, you got your ass out as quick as possible and we start this, okay?"
Just another nod, then Yoongi stopped the car.
Jimin opened the door hectically and jumped out. Hoseok closed it and Yoongi locked everything.
He heard how the motor sprung back alive and almost immediately how an awfully loud honk started to ring in his ears.
Jimin grabbed his nail gun, released the safety catch and fired a nail into right between the eyes of a creature that was standing in front of him.
He was impressed how silent the weapon was and how good it worked.
The rest of the horde was attracted to the noise Yoongi's car was making and followed after the vehicle which slowly but surely went away from Jimin.
The boy set a fast pace to hurry through the horde of creatures, shot here and there one that stood in his way and had his pain and misery to look after something that could prove that Jungkook and Taehyung had been here.

"Open up the roof!"
Yoongi flicked a switch next to the wheel and the glass roof of their car opened up.
Hoseok unfastened his seatbelt and stood up, his mixture of a nail gun-slingshot-crossbow in his arms.
He had stuffed a bunch of nails into the little part for the ammo Yoongi had given him a package of a collection of small bullets and stones.
"Fire at everything that comes too near to the car! I don't want to overrun to many of those!" Yoongi commanded and Hoseok complied silently.
The ride was frantic and the ground was uneven – Hoseok had his work to aim well at everything that was too near for them.
A few of those creatures must have been stronger than the other ones because they actually managed to keep a good pace with the fast car.
Through a little hairline cross Hoseok aimed at an especially fast one and shot a bullet.
The weapon made no sound beside the sharp sound of an object slicing through the air.
The creature stopped and went onto its knees.
Impressed Hoseok looked at the weapon in his hands and turned 180 degrees around to look what's in front of them.
Yoongi was driving straight into the direction of a wall but took a sharp turn to the right.
Hoseok was thrown around in the little space of the opened roof window. His ribs came into harsh contact with the edges and he felt the stinging pain that made him groan in hurt.
In front of them was another horde of infected ones that hurried into the direction of the source of noise.
"Fuck" he mouthed and felt Yoongi stop harshly.
He taped against his leg and handed Hoseok something.
"Pull the stick out!"
"What the fuck is this?" he shouted into the car and looked at the round thing in his hands. A little metal stick was inside it.
"Pull the stick out and throw it into the crowd!"
Hoseok realised what was in his hands and looked behind them.
A horde of hundreds of creatures was following them.
Stoutly he pulled the metal stick out of the bomb and threw it into the crowd in front of him.

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