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3rd of May, 2017

Jung Hoseok

It has been two days since we arrived in Tokyo. They had brought us to the official political refugee place. We have fancy rooms, almost as fancy as hotel rooms, and they are treating us as if we were the most important people.

I had gotten the chance to catch up on the news, tried to forget about the urge to think about the epidemic's solution and the kid's death.

His friend Jungkook hasn't been the same. He's so young. Has been such a pure boy who shouldn't have witnessed this cruelness. Nor the epidemic neither his friend's murder.

Jimin is in the room next to me and seemingly begins to understand what we have been in. He needs a little room and time to process the overcome danger.

Our parents and friends have been contacted and found. My Mum and Dad are save. Currently they are at our friend's house in Northern Shanghai and they are well. My sister is with them and my friends are widely spread but everyone is fine.

The other's parents have also been alive. Taehyung's parents as well but there wasn't much to be heard of them after the news of their son's death.

Jungkook's parents are about to travel here for the big press conference in a few days. Currently they live in a refugee camp in Thailand and want to take the next flight if possible.

For me ... I have been serving everything and watched the news. I have been right. The big amount of atomic radiation and the sudden earth quake really were caused by an atomic bomb. Supposedly the South Korean politicians had leaked information about an upcoming war declaration by Kim Jongeun. Not only that but also the manmade virus.

Seemingly this virus has been a droplet infection, so it would have spread over the whole globe in no time. The only country which would have been safe, was North Korea due to their closed borders.

Well, this has been everything the news could tell me.

On my stay here I met a woman named Heather. She's one of Doctor Kim's most appreciated assistants and let's just say ... we became closer here and there.

Well she seems to have a boyfriend though, so my fingers should stay with me for the rest of my stay.

Even though our few mistakes couldn't be forgotten that quickly, we had conversations about Doctor Kim.

She told me about his true, cold self which was even darker than expected. I tried to talk to her about different documents and certain information I was interested.

After a little bit of time Heather agreed in getting documents, while she was aware this could cost her job and freedom.

I don't think she did it because out of some affection she felt for me. I think she did it for the truth despite the dangers which could await her.

In the end these documents told the whole story about Doctor Kim.

He had known how exactly he could change the virus. The atomic bomb was spiked with different things that would influence the North Korean-virus's mutation. It has been risky because everything could have gone wrong but - everything went as planned.

This was also the reason why so many citizens of both countries could have evacuated in such a short time. But the virus had to spread to let it look like a true epidemical catastrophe. So they took a few infected people into helicopters and "dropped" them slash placed them in the streets of different cities.


The clue of the changed virus was its way to spread. It wasn't an air infection anymore. Doctor Kim's plan worked out. Due to this being a direct infection through saliva or blood it was safe to say it stays in the quarantined South and North Korea. The world wasn't in danger anymore.

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