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                 Amber has lot of stress dealing with boys. She even almost killed herself numerous times but they would stop her. Her cries never stop. She stood up and ran away from them, through the dark forest. She couldn't take it any longer. All of the boys love her but she cannot choose which one she will end up with. She even ran away a whole country just to get away from them. She was so weak and fragile even she is a vampire.

                So she decided to have a new life away from them. She change her hair color, style and even wearing contact lens. She didn't have girl friends so why not spending time with the girls. She spend time with her new friends. She didn't even care if the boys found her, all she wanted is to get away from the madness between them. Now she lived with 3 girls with her in a small little town called 'Grasslands'. (A/N: I made that up :P) It a small town where only small amount of people who live so that she will control herself from humans. Her friends didn't even know who she really was. She changed her name Amber to Amie, so very close to her name. She had a fun time with them and realize how are the boys doing. She's not gonna stay here for how long, she just want to get away from 'them'.

                The boys on the other hand had been searching her for 3 months and she didn't come back. They fought many times and blaming each other for losing her. So they got seperated to find her. Without her, they would end up dead but they didn't give up. They even search her through the whole place. They gave up and countinue to their careers. They are having a tour to their new album. So that means that there is still a chance to find Amber and that's their only luck.

           Cylde on the another hand had his kingdom on control to find her. He sent all the supernatural creatures to find her but there is no luck. But didn't give up though. Even he is cruel and longest living vampire in the whole world, he still has a heart. He is gonna find her no matter what happens to him. So he left his kindom to find Amber.

                     Well who knows who found her. Well good luck with that!

Amber's POV

"Hey Amie! One Direction is having a new album and they're a having a tour!" My friend Stella, screaming at me and jumping on my bed.

"They're having a concert near at the mall tomorrow. We should have tickets to enter and that's not all, Ed Sheeran is gonna be there AHHHHHHH!!!!!" My other friend, Lindin, shoving me a magazine about One Direction.

"Would you two shut up about them. I know you like them but girl not in this house" My other friend, Daynalene, playing her 3DS and wearing headphones. She is clearly annoyed about One Direction but she respects their fans or directioners. I am a directioner before but right know, I don't really know if I like them after all.

"We don't like them. WE LOVE THEM!!!!" Stella and Lindin screamed at the top of their lungs while Daynalene sighed. "Why don't we go to their concert? I mean it's Lindin's birthday tomorrow and I think that's my gift for you" I said truthfully while looking at my friends. Stella and Lindin hugged me to death while screaming Thank you to me. I look at Daynalene or DJ (A/N: Let's just call Daynalene, DJ) seeing her sigh "I guess seeing them wont hurt a bit" she said going back to her console. I smiled at them widely. I mean it's almost 3 months and I haven't seen the boys for a long time now. 

I went to pre-order the tickets to the concert. I sighed in fact I would see them again. Tomorrow will make my world fall again.


Hey! I hope you'll like it. It's only the first page and thank you for reading! I will upload more.





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