Deserve you

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Don't get your self down . Don't cry.. she doesn't deserve to have your tears.  She doesn't deserve to be thought about by you. She now realises that when she left you .It was the biggest mistake of her life,and now she wants you back. . But don't let her, cause that will just egg her on. To use you and then get rid of you. She will never Learn.  Never get with exes again cause once an ex,Always an ex.  You don't deserve to be treated this way.  If you get with her.I hope she treats you well. With love and kisses and hugs and  cuddles when  u are cold. And I hope she calls you angel.  I hope she sings to you. Don't be with her,cause you deserve someone who would do that. You deserve someone who actually cares,don't make the same mistake I did.  Don't say yes.

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