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Reminder#1 : Follow my wattpad account.
Reminder#2: Add me on my facebook. "Gindzy Llij"
Reminder#3: Chitchat with me on my facebook. be my friend and ofcourse introduce yourself with me. Kayy!
Reminder#4: Read my story or you'll regret it.
Reminder#5: Keep calm and be patience. Slow update alert is my style. Lol
Reminder#6: Simplicity is better. SNOB is not allowed.
Reminder#7: Votes & Comments must be done.
Reminder#8: Love me or Love me. Hate me and I'll Hate you too.
Reminder#9: Maintain my Reminder.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by means without the author consent. Please obtain permission. Books with names,characters,places,businesses,event and incident are either the products of authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual person,living or dead is purely coincidental.

Do not distribute,publish,transmit,modify or diplay.

Original story by LadyLoveGuru
All right reserved 2016.

To My Greatest DownfallTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon