Part 1

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Harry's POV

I wake up to an empty space next to me. The blanket has been neatly tucked in the bed frame, and a pile of clothes is cleanly resting on top of it. On the bedside table, my phone shows a bunch of new text messages and missed calls I have, but amongst those I catch a glimpse of one my girlfriend Marie sent.

Marie: good afternooon ;) I'm at the swimming pool with Aiden, find me there when you wake up?

I immediately tense up, balling my fists in frustration. Ever since these holidays started I feel like she's been drifting away from me because of him, and I barely ever get the chance to have some cuddle time with her anymore.

Harry: Can you please come upstairs for five minutes?

My reply is short, I don't want it to sound too rude or anything but blame it on the time and my hangover, I'm feeling grumpy as hell now. Lazily jumping out of bed with a large thud I hop under the shower. I love this girl to bits. She's my fucking soul mate, my savior, my anchor when I drift too far away from reality. And it hurts. It hurts to see her so close to another person, because I want her to be mine and only mine. Just mine.

"Harry??" Her voice booms from the other side of the bathroom door. That sweet, adorable yet so sassy voice of hers echoes in the steam filled room and my emotionless face morphs into a smile "Hazz??" pause "Can I come in?"

By the time she grabs the door handle and swings it open, I have wrapped a towel around my body. Large beads of water are dropping off my soaked curls. I love when she goes through them with her hands.

"Hey baby what's wrong? I left Aiden at the pool he's waiting for me"

She will soon be touching his hair, not mine anymore.

"Can you fucking stop talking about that dickhead Marie, please!" I sound a lot harsher than intended, but my mind's a mess and emotionally I'm a wreck. It doesn't even matter, this had to come out, eventually.

Her cheeky smile rapidly fades off her face, quickly replaced by a confused frown.

"Hem.. okay?"

"Okay? Can't you say anything else than okay??!"

"Can't you say anything nice?!" She's starting to get angry, I can see it by her cheeks flushing red in anger.

"Yeah, because Aiden's always nice right?!" I snap "Logical huh? Date the asshole and befriend the goody two shoes?"

"Harry, what the hell are you even talking about?! Explain yourself before being so rude to me, I didn't do anything!!"

"Yeah, I'm the asshole again right?!!" I walk closer to her, until I'm only mere inches away from her beautiful face.

"HARRY" She shouts, pushing me away with both her hands "Act normal for Christ's sake!!"

"Then so should you Marie!!" I stand still in front of her, glaring deep into her eyes.

"Harry, for the fucking last and hundredth time, what the hell have I done?!?"

And suddenly, it's as if the world was in slow motion. My hands ball itself into a fist and hits the wall full force. Heck, this isn't even my room. Not even my wall. Who cares anyway?

"Oh my god, I'm seriously done with you right now" She swings the door open but I quickly grasp her arm, restraining her from leaving.

"Harry you're hurting me! Let go"

"Not until this shit is cleared up"

"There's nothing to clear up"

"ha ha ha" I roll my eyes "you're hilarious"

"Who even are you?" She glares at me with a look of pure disgust, before pulling her arm away and slamming the door shut behind her.

Marie's POV

My mind feels all cloudy as I walk away from Harry and I's room. To be honest, I think it's wiser that I leave rather than worsen the whole situation, even though a little part of me is hoping he's going to come running behind me. It's the first time I'm this mad at him. How dare he just accuse me of cheating when I seriously couldn't be a more loving girlfriend? We're staying in one of Australia's most luxurious hotels, our room is probably the prettiest of all, and he still prefers getting into useless arguments rather than enjoy his time here. What a waste.

At the bar next to the swimming pool I catch a sight of Aiden drinking what looks like a mango juice, cheerfully chatting with the barista. Aiden, aka my best friend. We met in kindergarten, but truly became friends about three years ago when we saw each other again at a nightclub in Copenhaguen.

"You alright?" He asks worriedly, as I take a seat next to him.

"Could be better"

"Care to share?"

"Nah it's all good"

"Come on, you know I can read you like an open book. First, no smile. Second, no Harry shirt on. Third, flushed, angered, red cheeks. What's up?"

My angry pout becomes a small smile and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Hey, I don't wear his shirts all the time it's comfy but not flattering for a lady like me" I wink "but yeah we got into a bad argument and it sucks, and I'm really confused, but disappointed, and mad too, like really angry, and sad, and like at the same time I want to cry and punch a wall, feel me?"

"uh.. not sure I've heard everything but.. yeah?"

He opens up his arms and pulls me into a nice, gentle hug. It doesn't feel like Harry's hug. It's not flooding with love and passion, it's not as gentle, it's just not his. But it's my best friend's hug, and tears that were about to spill dry up by the time I break our embrace.

"Thanks Aid'"

"Feel better?"

"Much better"

"Want to go for a swim?"

"Well hello? What else are we here for?"

"Oh shush you sassy person, I was just being nice" He laughs, pushing me away playfully.


I'm sosososo sorry it's so late and so short i'll write a longer p.2

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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