Dead End (Final Part)

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When I heard the yells coming from downstairs, I wondered what was going on but I let the thought slide as I assumed that it was just the monster getting in another fight. But, I ended up urging myself to check out all the commotion and I guess I also got myself caught up in the fight. I remembered I ended up sitting on the stairs, gasping for breath and feeling my whole body become tight as I tried to hold back the tears that seemed to form a river. Words I remember clearly are, "I'm not going to talk to you as often." Maybe those are not the exact words but I know for sure you said something along those lines.

I wanted us to talk more, though. I wanted us to talk things out but I'm starting to think that you can't admit to anything. But this isn't you. This is the monster. The monster who has practically devoured all of you.

I'm starting to think the saying, "things get better just wait," is just a lie to keep us alive because I think the monster has completely taken over you. There are no more times where soft, loving words come out of your mouth. I feel as if I've completely drowned and I am now lifeless. I thought you promised to let me drown and I know you would keep this promise... it's obviously the monster's fault. Is the monster you, though? Are you the one who created the monster and brought this all upon yourself? Those are some thoughts that I have sometimes. Nonsense, though! You were a person who deserved no pain and never thought of inflicting pain on others... or was that a disguise all along?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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