[ 01: Textures ]

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What is a texture?
Texture is basically a mixture of stocks, they may include clocks, streets lights, moon, staircase, birds, glass, shards, light, effects etc.

Normally, away from making graphics a texture is the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance. Which is completely different and we aren't using that in graphics or covers.

This is an example of a texture, you get a lot more if you search texture deviantart but as for now let's just use this as an example.

Textures aren't important to use but they come in handy while making covers, the overall composition is better when textures are used however DONT OVER USE TEXTURES if you are a beginner, start with only 3-5 textures and then lower it down every time you use. You don't want to just throw textures in and a random PNG and call it a cover.

I usually use small buts and pieces from textures like take this one.

I am just going to cut the rose and use that somewhere in the cover so it looks neater.

Just keep in mind that whenever you use textures, make sure you do over use them to much. Keep it original and do something by yourself too.

Want more textures : you can find them in my deviantart favourites - dead-rot

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