Once again, a little muck up story. It's based on the horse in the fox by ylvis. It's not serious unless you consider retarded serious. Ok then, have fun reading it.
Dedicated to H.e.R 😄.
(<<for those that do not know this, the squares are horses😀)
I was in the middle of the forest acting like a pedo whilst shaking my head when I saw a fox. It's fur was red, so beautiful. Like an angel in disguise.
It spoke to me by morse. Most likely because someone kept singing morse in the background. Idiots.
But even though it was speaking to me by morse, it didnt reveal it's real sound.
What does the fox say? many options circled my mind.
Awe man? *snaps fingers*
It was so confusing that it made me confused.
I stared at the guardian angel (fox) in front of me.
What does the fox say? what is your sound?
Suddenly. the fox got up and started to rap. So that's what your sound is. I couldn't believe my eyes. It moved in a swagy way.
Before it left, it glanced my way and winked. I nodded in agreement. I shall keep this a secret. No one shall ever know what the fox says.
Not even me.
My name is friendly, and my duty in life is to erase my memory.
I looked around desperately for something to hit my head against.
Tree? no.
Rock? nip.
Log? nope.
A pillow? excellent.
It's no mystery as to why a pillow is in the forest. I threw the pillow at my head using my tail.
I started to grow dizzy. Soon I collapsed from the hard impact of the pillow on my head. True story.
I woke up with a start. I was in an unknown residents known as my shed, tied to a frog.
"How did I get here?" I asked nothing.
"I brought you here." Was nothing's reply.
"Oh ok then."
Nothing then opened the door and walked out. "HEY!" I shouted after it. "Where are you going? I'm hungry!"
Nothing looked at me, regret shining in its eyes. I gave nothing a hopeless look, like the looks that would yell HELP-IM STUCK-IN-A-SHED-WITH-NO-FOOD!! We all use that look at least once in our hopeless lives.
Nothing then gave in and threw a carrot at me. I jumped out of the ropes that was being held by a frog and caught the carrot in my mouth.
Like all good horse/people, I went back into my rope.
I looked to the door to thank nothing, but it was gone.
That isn't suspicious at all!!
Suddenly, the fox came into the shed.
He looked at me with his eyes.
He smiled at me with his mouth.
He sniffed me with his nose.
The friendly horse.
Cerita PendekThe friendly horse meets a fox, and wanders what the fox sounds like. During this true story that is not true he finds out, but what if the friendly horse doesn't trust himself. What will he do, and most importantly how would he solve this big, fat...