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Glens P.O.V

I decided today to go back to Danny's to see how he was coping. It's not good for a person to be left alone too much when a loved one has died, that I can tell you firsthand. Grief does things to you; it plays with your mind, makes you think you're to blame even if there is no possible way you could be responsible. Say you're gran died of old age, it would still be your fault. You're the one who will forever be responsible. You made her old. It's an awful feeling. I arrived at around 6pm so Danny should be in, not that he was likely to leave. I let myself in and froze dead in my tracks.

Danny lay in the middle of the living room floor, empty bottle of vodka in hand, skin verging on yellow; unconscious.

I rushed over to him and tried to stay calm. I placed my ear on his chest and was just able to detect a faint heartbeat. I hadn't even noticed I was holding my breath until I let out a sigh of relief. The stink of alcohol was strong on Danny's breath. I around me and noticed that as well as the bottle that he clutched too so desperately, Danny had had a few more as well. There was one sticking out from under the TV unit and another resting on the old armchair. Why did he do this to himself? Was he trying to drink his way into an early grave?

What about all the people who need him, his mum, his sisters, his brothers, mark..


I need him.


(2 Hours Later)

"There we go Dan, safe and sound"

I'd brought him back to mine and Emma's flat because I was too scared to leave him alone in his own. Maybe forty minutes after I found him he started to wake up, but even after he had I couldn't get anything out of him except the word please when I asked him if he wanted a cup of tea. He followed without question when I told him he was coming to mine; it really hurt to see him like this, so vulnerable, weak and just miserable. I longed for him, the real him, too come back too me. I wanted the twinkle in his eye too twinkle once more, his smile to be frequently seen as before, his inner spark of personality to ignite for the world to see. This isn't the Danny O'Donoghue that I know and love.

Wait what.


I don't love Danny.

Obviously I love Danny. Love him the way a kid loves ice cream, or an artist loves to paint. Essential to your life. But I don't love him the way I love Emma.


I jerk awake to find I'm lying on the middle of the living room floor. There's no sign of Danny. I start to freak out until I hear the rustling sound of paper beneath me. I search around with my hand for a moment until my fingers wrap around a small sticky note. It read..

Hey Glenny Boy; I appreciate you trying to help but I just need to be alone. Seriously. I need time.


Glenny Boy. That's what he always called me when he was drunk or in a great mood, it was almost like the old him was breaking through. I always loved it when he called me that; made me feel all warm and squishy inside. Made me feel; more sane. Just better.


A/N - HIIIIYAAAA! ok yes I know this was quite fluffyish and oh yay glen feels but I promise it's going to get more depressing very soon, so yay for that!

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